Hi All,
As you all know that Tamilnadu Electricity Board is giving Free EB connection for Agriculture purpose and it will be given in seniority basis. It would take around 3 to 5 years or more to get those connection. Once applied it is very difficult to check the status of our application. But there is a way to find the current status and pending application’s before our application.
First we need the Application No., this we can get it from the receipt that we received from EB department while applying.
Application No. will be like - XXX-MM/YY-ZZZ
XXX - Area code. This is the area code for your location
MM - Month you applied for connection
YY - Year you applied for connection
ZZZ - Serial No.
So you should consider the App No. as XXXMMYYZZZ
Paste this App No. in the below location:
By this you can get the current status of you application.
To find the number of pending Application before your application. Just give XXXMMYY(ZZZ-1), XXXMMYY(ZZZ-2) and so on. This will gives you the status of the application that are applied in the month you applied. To check further give App No. as XXXMM(-1)YYZZZ(-3).
Let me give you an example. Let us consider that my App No. is 1230515475.
So this application was applied on May 2015. To check all the application applied on May just give 1230515474, 1230515473, 1230515472. And if you get any error that App No. is invalid then we have to move to the previous month, so we have to give 1230415471, 1230415470…
We have to try this till we find any Approved or Sanctioned Application.
Note: While checking the application please consider only the application with Tarrif as “LM41-AGRICULTURE”.
I have applied on August’13 and I traced back as mentioned above and found that last approved/sanction appliction was on May’11. There are around 300 pending application before my application.
Ya I know this is very tedious process but there is no way to get this status.
Does any one knows, how may Free Agricultural EB connections will be released by Tamilnadu Electricity Board per year?