Momordica dioica cultivation

Dear Mmebers,

Momordica dioica, commonly known as spiny gourd, is a species of flowering plant in the gourd family.
It is used as a vegetable in India. It has commercial importance and is exported and used locally. The fruits are fried and sometimes eaten with meat or fish.

Local names of this are in Assamee-bhat-kerela, Bengali- bhat korola, ghee korola, or kankrol.Kannada-Maada Haagala, Telugu-boda kakara or aakakara-kaya.

Requesting members to provide information on this vegetable gourd and its planting materials/seeds for growing them in my farm.

Dear Swamy,

Please contact Ramesh, our tour member in Tumkur.

We talked a lot about its commercial value (>100Rs/kg).

He told its seeds ara available in Jangareddy gudem in West Godawari district of Andhra Pradesh.

Ramesh and Venu are planning to grow these in their farms.

Hi Rajashekar,
We are in touch with together, even Ramesh also searching and got some information that TC saplings are available in Bubaneshwar, Can you find any of your friend at Bubaneshwar to get further more details as to what is the best way to transport them from Odisha to my place & to Hyderabad to Ramesh.

Other members please do help me if you know this crop grown around you. I know that in Sirsi, & DK area farmers having this crop to nominal extent. However your help will be appreciated.



Hello dns1807

I am from Coimbatore ,Tamilnadu. Have you cultivated Momordica Dioica ,if so give me some inputs on sampling availability,cost and cultivation practice adopted.I am interested to cultivate in my area ,which is 1200 ft above MSL


Hi Kumar,
I have collected seeds of Spine gourd from two places of our state of Karnataka and expecting from AP & Orissa
Seeds are planted in nursery bags in my nursery, once they grow for replanting, then let you know.

Dear All,

This fruit is known as “Kantola” in Gujarat. It widely seen in South Gujarat and Saurashtra region.

One can get good quality planting material from Gujarat Agri. Univesity, Vegetable project.
Thank you

Hi dns1807

Thanks for quick reply, Can you upload some pictures of the grown plant ?


Still Iam hunting for further information of all season teasel gourd cultivators.
I came to know that few farmers in Maharashtra are growing.
I also came to know that Behramour area in Odisa is also growing in large extent commercially.
Kolkota is main source of this vegetable supplying to entire India.

The fact behind hunting is for treatment for diabetic and also to safe gourd it for feature utilisation as it is forgetting/forgotten vegetable which is selling about Rs.50/- 200/-

Can any one Member from above are be please to provide some information please?

Hi Swamyji,
one interesting info .
I have shown this picture to my mother and she said we used to have these in our farm (Jalgaon district of maharashtra).

They will grow only during rainy season and it is called as “Katele” (may be inherited from “Kate - thorns” since it looks little thorny}.
My mom says tribal peoples around farm eat this . We also eat this and sold at aprox 100 rupees/kg in our city. She says we can get it easily once it rains during June/July in our farm .
Let me try to find our more info .

Thanks & regards,

In parts of AP, this grows as a wild creeper on the bunds and is not cultivated much. I have one or two plants in my farm, but have not succeeded so far to have the fruits before they are grabbed by someone else.

People pluck them and sell along the roads for more than Rs. 40/kg. It is considered a delicacy.

Hi Swamyji,
today I have visited specifically to our farm to check if any fruits left, but no luck .
My parents assured we will get it during june/july once it rains on bunds of the farm.
I will start from my native tomorrow noon, let me check if I can get some more info till then.


In Assamese it is called bhat-korola and in Bengali kakrul or ghi korola. In Telugu it is called boda kakara and on the east coast of Andhra it is called aa-kakara-kaya. In Oriya it is called Kankada. In Gujarati it is called Kankoda. In Marati it may be called as Kantola/Kartol, kakrol etc. Pls check.
I also came to know that few farmer around Mahabaleshwar are growing all season variety. My friend brought some seeds and growing the same in Karantaka.

Dear Chandra,
One Mr. Muralidhara Rao 9885510978 from HYD is cultivating it, he planted 100 plants out of which presently he having only 40 plants.
I spoke to him and he asked me to come if may travel to HYD, but it may take some time for me to reach him. His farm is about 80 km from HYD.
In the mean time can you please call and try to get further more information with present conditions of plants photos.

Sure, I will try to contact him.

Swamyji, happen to visit one of the organic vegetable shop where we purchase certain things, we spotted this MaDa Hagala, asked the vendor to procure ripe fruits, he has agreed to do it, let me wait to get the same.

Swamyji, happen to visit one of the organic vegetable shop where we purchase certain things, we spotted this MaDa Hagala, asked the vendor to procure ripe fruits, he has agreed to do it, let me wait to get the same.
[/quote] In Bangalore?

Yes, in the locality where i stay. ( You know where it is).

Very good, we are going to get its one variety here itself, the season may be coming to end I believe, hence close follow up is must.
Thanks & you will get another gift plant for your efforts.

Dear all,
It is nice discussion for spine gourd.
I have developed commemrcial micropropagation protocol for spine gourd and supplied few thousands plant to farmers.
But, considering large plant stand and cost of plant, farmers are reluctant to adpot.
So, I am supplying spine gourd plants in bags derived by cutting, which are treated with hormones for better growth and development. Moreover, they are selected from elite mother plants so have better performance and will supplied in desired male: female ratio.
I am travelling to Odisha from 18.1.13 to 24.1.13 for further odisha market information. I need a person interested to set up shade house where, I can develop locally preferred variety.
If anybody interested in Odisha or other states please contact me on 09825470094 of write to me on
Hope this will change spine gourd cultivation.
Dr. Abhishek

Hi Abhishek?
I have spoke to you and Bharat along with your rep at Gowribidanur about 3 or 4 times, offered to get about 10,00 plants too. But you was able to provide after next June, do you remember? The same Swamy is trying to get more information and maintaining this thread in this forum.
I have my friend in Odisa Mr.Lakshmi Bharathi who was given some information.

If you will be able to provide sapling to me, I am ready to cultivate them even for demo/trail.
Iam very much interested in all season spine gourd.

However wishing you all the best.