Dear All,
I am woking profession from Mumbai and willing to buy land in the Konkan area. with the information and data collected so far it is clear that Smaller sizes of land are highly expensive and make the agri project unviable. Bigger sizes of the lands are comparatively cheaper per acre basis but requires huge initial investments.
So if you are among the group of enthusiastic agriculture land buyrer then we can think of purchasing the land in large parcel which will be cheaper. A group a serious buyer can buy the land in bulk. I am interested in 20-25 ares of land for planatation purpose.
If anybody is interested to form such group kindly contact and lets come together with common objevtives. Bigger the group we can save substatially on cost. I am looking for professionals working in Mumbai Pune etc. to join and form a group. i do have information and trends of the prices in this area since I am searching for suitable land for more than two years.
with best regards,
Dear All,
I refer to our noble mission of getting a quality agri land at
affordable price in area of konkan. I have found few of the options
listed below:
Land at Tala dist Raigad details are not yet avaliable
Good land near to Achara, Malvan, ~100+ acre, person has forwarded
me the documents. yet to visit the site.
Land at Vaibhavwadi 100+acres
Land at near to Mangao(Sawantwadi)10 KM ~60+ acres
we will form a group of the people who are serious buyers to proceed
with searching for other options.
Kindly forward and contact to other members who are interested, I
donot have their mail Ids and phone nos so that we can speed up the
activities and decide next course of actions. Prior to put the serious
efforts let we have concurrence for the concept in principle. Look
forward for your views and further discussio on the same.
I am interested. I have 10 acears of land near tala, raigad, but I am unable to start any agri project yet, due to title clearance etc.
Me and my friend can invest decent amount of money (atleast 10-15 acres). I also have contacts in Indapur/Kolad who can help buy larger tracks of agriculture land. Mr Dixit, I have seen few of your old posts as well and it is difficult to start-up with such projects if we keep on waiting for people to pool in money and then start the project.
My suggestion is to start a project with minimum land (feasible for the project) we can with the pooled in money and then as more people jump in we can buy adjoining land to improve scale and reduce costs.
Land cost will be higher then as compared to now but the project will be on, instead of dying slowly waiting for required no of members to join.
Almost every other weekend I am in tala on my 2 acres mango plantation, so can meet up to shortlist the land as well.
Mr Jay Dixit
I wish to connect you to your previous thread and shall most sincerely ask you the rationale for sudden change of sides.In this small group of our members, continuous track is maintained towards various threads forwarded by members.The thread of big land deal started by one Mudgal appeared to be impulsive as the member vanished after initial introduction and never returned back.We had commenced a sober approach on the same ,where you were active participant,but the same was abandoned by you for unknown reasons.This new thread makes me feel that we lack perseverance to take a matter to its conclusive ends.For your memory your thread is reproduced below in inverted commas:
" jaydixit
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Re: Looking for people to join me for joint purchase of big land
« Reply #18 on: March 17, 2014, 08:20:56 PM »
QuoteThank You
Dear All,
Relatively low price bulk land is avaliable in Ratanagiri and some parts of sindhudurga districts.
The land will be ideal for horticulture especially Alphanso, Cashew, sapota, drumstick, amla, kokam, teak, sandal, rubber etc and one can also try other spices bcos the climatic condition here is similar to kerala. If it is nearby Dapoli, Vijaydurga or Deogad are u ok with?
Land on the plain areas (ghat) are suitable for purely agriculture crops like sugar cane, grapes etc. subjected to avaliability of water. also these lands are very costly now days and the crop agriculture is extensively labour oriented. Hence I am focusing mainly on the Konkan areas rather than plain areas pune and other districts.
If the land in size of 100 -200 acres is available @ 1.5 - 2.5 lakh/acre its will be good deal.
I am selecting the land in this area bcos:
ideal for horticulture due to climatic and soil condition (Horticulture requires comparitively less labor than convensional agriculture so easy to manage)
above fruit bearing trees gives good yields here
Accessable from Mumbai, by Konkan rail.
Very high appreciation in the land value.( 5 years old plantation rate is 10-15 lakhs/acre, 10 years fruit bearing plantation 20-40 lakh/acres)
If any body serious on the purchase of land let me know. I am serching the land in these areas.
I am interested in agri land can buy upto 15 to 20 acre. there is a land in tala of 72 acre with a price tag of 5 lacs /acre. joint ownership resale. if any body can join me for the other 52 acre i shall be happy.
Dear Mr. Girish,
I would be intersted in buying about 10 acres. I have some friends who might be interested in buying another 10 acres, if price can be brought down bit. You may pl call me on 8898012766. I would be going to konkan between 4/11 to 6/11 for looking at another Agricultural property. If we can visit between that day.-- Haresh
I have not searched for lands more than 10 acres since that was my limit. Avg rate I have seen gala is 4/5 lakhs per acre.
Last year I saw a 25 acre land in nigudshet for 3lakh per acre - pad jamin. That was the cheapest land I have seen.
I will check if with my contacts if I can get cheaper land 25 to 50 acres.
It is important to understand our motive here. Only buy land collectively or plan to cultivate collectively as well?
Mr Sarolkar
Excellent job done, and you deserve thanks for that.You will achieve your target which many others have missed.your concept is crystal clear as it appears in your thread.A person who could search land @3lakh per acre will surely hit the bird’s eye if he goes for bigger quantum of land.Pl do not increase the group size more than 100 acres.Let that be the last limit.Only interested persons can join in then ,on first come first served basis.
Dear Shri Dixit,
I concur with you. I am going towards Konkan area tomorrow to inspect some lands. Hopefully I would find some suitable land.
It is difficult to find bigger parcels of land around Tala. I have got to know of two lands 48 acres and 22 acres in padwan and wali in Tala. I will be visiting the sites this weekend 9th or 10th. If any one of you is interested to join me you are welcome.
I have not yet received a response on my previous query - our motive - Only buy land collectively or plan to cultivate collectively as well?
This will help me align my goals with you all and we can work together and co-operate in future process as well.
I can spend approximately 10-12 lakhs so my land purchase capability will be bound by the money limitations.Now it depends on you to get the rates fixed most reasonably.we can meet together before we finally give a go ahead to the purchase.In case land is good with plenty of water,I may pool in some more money,this way purchase some more land.Your idea for collective cultivation is wonderful and I concur with it.
In my opinion, the ideal situation would be to buy land separately & cultivate it collectively. The reason behind this is because we all are from different backgrounds & we do not know each other. Only thing binding us today is our enthusiasm for agriculture.
I have come back from tour of Konkan only today, so it may not be possible to visit on 9th. But if you come across some good land i can certainly come down next week.
While visiting i had look at couple of lands around Mhasla (Mangaon). But I did not find it of much worth, since land was on a slope & far away from main road(about 8 kms off Mangaon-Shriwardhan Road)
I have 125 acres of land for Rs.15 lacs per acre.
This land is 2-3 kms for the Goa border
Goa is a massive market, as its an “happening place”, all year round, affording land in Goa is next to impossible as the price there is almost 10x.
This is Agricultural land on the Maharashtra side, a farmers certificate can be organised for Rs 50,000
minimum 1 acer plot can be sold
if there is a group for this, it can be cultivated as a group and the revenue shared in the proportion of the holding (something worth a discussion on how to get about doing this)
Only those interested in 100% Natural farming please feel free to contact me on this forum
I got some info regarding the same from few previous posts in farmnest itself,but couldn’t find any particulars on how or whom to approach ,any advice ? should i go thru some legal consultants or land brokers ?
I really liked the idea of enthu people coming from different backgrounds cultivating together as a community ,I have been asking around on acquiring land in or around Bangalore for lease or purchase, but was advised against it from few family friends who are experienced in farming…issues pertaining to local troubles and land scams …As a community ,I believe we will be more stronger and can focus on farming and growing as a farmer.
The group should move in cohesive manner.Our mission is to get reasonably priced land and get fair price for the bigger deal.Ashutosh Sarolkar ji & Mr Jay Dixit have so far given no feed back on the current thread,which is eagerly awaited.All of us can chose them as our representatives(like any General in battle field whose orders should be honoured and followed by all unquestionably),who should bargain with land holders and get discount for bulk land purchases.Once the deal is finalised,we contact an advocate to check the clear title of the proposed land.Once this process is over we can congratulate each other on our land.Subsequently either of us can organise cultivation.I on my part will keep guiding the group for best crops to be grown on our lands and if group demands get it cultivated for the complete group.Mr Ryan can also be part of the group after getting farmer title in some other state after purchasing one acre of land there.This collective land can be converted to a community center with few quality holidaying rooms etc for all at different periods of year, where members can come with their family and enjoy close living in the nature.I hope the project will be exemplary set up for others to follow.Serious members are requested to be present on the thread with sincere participation.The idea of Mr Haresh needs modification in that purchase should be collectively organised for fair deal.Small land buyers are at a great disadvantage as they can not move as formidable force of a group.The land can also be a rejuvenating holiday home run on a commercial scale where external and internal tourists can come,stay and get panch karma chikitsa etc,this way generating lot of money for all members.It is only in uncertainy state currently.