Yello and Blue traps in mango farm

Dear experts

I have a mango farm of 4.5 acres near Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh.
I am very new in managing the farm and This is my first full fledged mango season(bought the farm in August 20203)
The current status of the farm is: The flowers are setting in. Slowly but steadily the flowers are setting in.

My question to experts is: Can I use Yellow and Blue sticky pads for controlling the mango hoppers, mealy bugs and other pests.
Sorry if the question is too stupid as I said I am a novice

By Sticky traps I meant:

Combo Pack of Yellow Sticky Traps and Blue Sticky Traps (50 Yellow + 50 Blue) - Total 100 No’s


Yellow and Blue sticky traps will help controlling sucking pests in Mango like thrips, whitefly, etc.
For controlling Mango hoppers and Caterpillers, you will have to use Pheromone traps.
For controlling mealy bugs, generally traps don’t work. You will have to use organic spray of Verticillium Lecanni.

You can buy all these products from the website -
From the BharatAgri app, you can also do video calls with agri-doctors and show them your Mango plot for better guidance.

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Thank you sir for your kind reply

Yes, and sticky traps should be part of the sucking pest management. I would not expect they will solely control all sucking pests.

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Thanks sir. Already did first round of sprays (Sulphur, Lamda and Thiamethoxam). So thought to put these traps as well …

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You go for more Yellow Traps. Blue Traps are at 25% of the Yellow Traps. If you Provide land Dimensions and Extent we will suggest a Laypot for instlling Sticky Traps.

With Best Wishes,
Satyanarayana Manne,
for Vasudha Green,

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I have already Provided a Solution to another Brother . Please go through and Provide your Land Dimesions , I will Provide the Layout for the Same for Plat Protection.

I will also Provide a Reliable solution for Blooming and contineous yielding of Mango Crop. Please Contact for Solution.
With Best Wishes,
Satyanarayana Manne,
for Vasudha Green,

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