Of late I have seen some brown patches on my teak plant leaves. I also noticed some holes on the leaves plus I see some type of dropping on the leaves as shown on image DSC05584.JPG.
I am attaching the pictures for your view. Can you please guide me what this could be and how could I control them preferable organic or natural.
I would think it is the young caterpillars of teak defoliator that are scraping the leaf surface, based on the damage and the frass in pic 3.
Can you open the leaf fold shown in pic 2 and check if there is a caterpillar inside?
I dont find any caterpillars or insects under the leaves. its just the leaves that are having some brown patches and later that patch becomes dry and the leaf area sheds leaving the leaf veins. Many of my plants have been attacked. I need to take a faster action. only thing I am unable to decide weather to use a insecticide or fungicide.
Even teak leaves in my farm are showing same thing.
However it is also coinciding with leaf shedding in winter season.
Is it the condition before leaf sheds off?