Hi All,
Kindly help me with your experience. We have a 4 acre mango garden in MBNR dist (about 70kms from HYD). And now we are planning to cultivate any intercrop ‘under’ the mango trees (first time in all these years) . Here the issue is the trees are very big (around 60 years old and still in good productivity) and we don’t get proper sunlight under the trees (or very less sunlight). So kindly suggest if it is possible to cultivate? if yes, then please suggest a suitable plants which we can go for (like any fruit, vegetable or any flower).
The land is with very good red soil and have limited source of water (bore well).
I think in your case, the shade loving plants like ginger would work well. My suggestion is based on two parameters you mentioned - lots of shade & the fertile red soil.
I’m sure you would consider other experts’ opinion also. So, at the end after you have planted any, please let this forum know what was chosen.
Generally ,in my opinion, Mango plant is a monster eater, and dont allow any other plant to consume existing fertilisers in the soil, especially at this age of 60 years. Also 90 % of the land might have been fully shaded. If the mango plants are one or two years old, then the story is diffarent.
Hence i advise you not to go for any inter crop in your mango growing land.
Your mahboobnagar dist is very much suitable for growing any horticultural crops, like fruits, flowers, vegetables etc…
We have 4 acre Mango garden with around 60 years of age. (and Yes, under the trees 90% of the land fully shaded).
And 4 acre mango garden with around 10 years of tree age and 4 acre of 2 yr tree age (‘planted 3 months back’).
So as suggested, we will plan the intercrop in the other two gardens (10 yr + 2yr old). Attaching the recent pictures of the old age and middle age gardens. Kindly go through with it and suggest when you get a free moment. Thanks again.
You can grow water melon, Musk melon , most of the gourd varieties, flowers like chrysanthemums ( mary gold,Aishwarya varieties, spray variety Roses etc, by providing drip.
Provide liquid fertilisers in ventury regularly in small doses.
Thank you sir for your guidence and encouraging words for the young and buddy farmers like me.
I wish you and all the other farming family members all the best and lot more luck in their fields.
Hi VJ, Out of my limited knowledge and enthusiasm I suggest you to go for a farm pond and trenches etc., to capture the rain water fully and store it for your planned use. This may recharge your borewells also. If you do it now, in the coming rainy season you can make use of it. Later you can plan for intercrops etc., Please give your ideas and feasibility study of this plan. All d best.