Asbestos is economical option
Below are three solution.
You can have sprinklers on asbestos. Dont waste the water let it go to the crops See below video @10.30min you can see sprinklers implemented on a welknown dairy farm in Kerala
Option2: You can have upper deck with wooden floring. You can store coconut for drying or fodder or silage etc on upper deck. This keeps the lower portion cool.
Option3. You can have fogger system. You can develop one. In Rajasthan,Haryana loval motor winding technician fabricates and give. or you would have seen fragrance bloers kept in entrance of choultrees during wedding. They blow rose water.
You can have same option.
Option 2 is energy less, mantenance less and servs two purpose.
75K is too small budget. you need 80K for asbestos for shed of 20ftX60ft.
Use Misters/Foggers, these spray micro drops of water in the shed and is said that they decrease the temperature at least by 10 C degrees, and as said better to have a garden sprinkler on the roof with timing as run 10 min for every 1 hr. same implies to foggers. Foggers need a water pump to produce fine water droplets…each foggers only uses about 4-5 lts of water per hr.
Fix fans so that when foggers are used the water droplets tend to settle on animal skin and when air flows through these water droplets the cooling effect is high…
hang jute bags at the side edges of the asbestos so that when sprinkle are on the water flows through asbestows and flow on these jute bags and then fall on ground, this also helps to cool down the over all shed temperature…
Plant fast growing trees like gulmohar to utilize the shade of these trees or construct a shed under natural shade.
Do not use plastic or fiber sheets, they generate more heat…
also, have seen some farms where they have tied lot of onions and every where inside the shed. i did not understand and also not satisfied with their answer. can anyone help me to know this why this is being used.
Could anyone please help us with a cattle shed design for say 20 -25 cows diary farm? Different sites are giving different dimensions and it’s little confusing. Our requirements are given below
We would like to have a tail to tail system for housing the cows.
We would like to have space for Hay or straw shed, Store room ,calving pen ,heifer shed and also one room for people who would be working in the farm
Our farm is located in a high rainfall area and the terrain is slightly undulating. Is it possible to go in for a open housing system in this environment?
What are the things we should be very careful while designing the structures so that it’s a comfortable environment for the cows?
Whatever you do, please go for open housing system. Your cows will be much happier. If land is not level, get a JCB and make it leveled. You only need to level the area where cows will hang out.
Search internet for the open system and what all it requires.
Simply said, you need a fenced area where you leave the cows, one water point where fresh water is always available and one manger where you fill fodder 2 or 3 times a day. Cows will move around and do what they feel like.
In addition you will need to build small shed for milking purposes where you can keep your machine or manual milkers. Bring the cow to the shed. Here if required you can feed concentrates as per cow being milked.
Its not difficult and I feel all sheds should follow this design as it eases lots of load from cleaning, washing and maintaining the cows. Cows maintain themselves.
Around this shed, you can place your other structures.
Good luck.
Keep all 4 sides open. Have 3 ft wall on the sides. You must have two side openings for entering and exiting from the shed and it must be sloped one having mesh type rough flooring. Plant shade giving trees around the shed. As Mr. Niks Narayana has said, its better to let them loose in a controlled area. Separate area for feeding and milking in a “bucklor” system. Its similar to parlor milking but the only difference here will be the cows are positioned in an elevated platform having slopes for entry and exit with locally made stalling with 2 inch thick G.I pipes, the milking will be done using bucket machines and the PVC Vacuum pipes must be around 6 feet to 7 feet height above the milking pit where the milker will be standing. The vacuum hose from that line must end in the milking can kept on the side below the cow, on the ground where milker is standing, and it should be very near to the cow standing platform. You can have small steps under each cow standing position which helps you to position the milking can at a comfortable height so that the milking claw can reach the cow’s udder . The milk tube of the milking can will be approximately 1.5 metre in length. The milk flow will also be smooth from the udder as the can is kept at a lower level. Practice post milking routines like teat dipping/spray using products like Saaf kit.
Have 10 cows on one side, Tail to tail system. The feeding manger inner space should be 0.5 metres inner space. The feeding manger must be “u” shaped and the height towards the cow standing side should not exceed1.5 to 2 feet (we need to protect the neck of the cows, if height is more, cow’s neck will get injured and the edge should be smooth and not having sharp edges)cows depending upon the breed of cows you intend to keep. The other side should have 3 to 4 feet height as the cow’s normally push the feeding material while eating, and the feeding particles must stay there in the feeding bin.
Outside the feeding manger, towards the back of the cow standing place ( 2 meters from the outer wall of the feeding manger), the flooring must have 1 % slope for the water or urine to get drained. The flooring must be of “broom finish”, lines drawn using a broomstick, before the cement gets dried up. Give back to back system - 10 on the right and 10 on the left, give 6 to 8 feet passage in the center. Give 4 feet width for each cow. Have side covers using mesh nets used in green houses during cold season.
Roofing : Split Roofing is ideal, if possible . The center must be open having a raised roofing on top allowing hot air to escape.
Water : water must be made available in front of the cows always. Try installing water bowls if possible.
Cow Mats: For protecting the knees of the cow and udder. It helps the cow’s body to be warm especially in cold climate.
The milking vacuum line can be erected at a height of 6-7 feet at the center of the passage in the center and the support for the vacuum line should be given using welded “L” angles supported from the roof. The Machine must be placed on one side away from the cow walking area. That area must be well ventilated and free from dust.
Your replies have been really helpful and just gave me that much more confidence. Also really helpful in convincing my three other friends, part of the venture, who were having doubts about the effectiveness of open housing system.
Murali I’ll call you today evening.
Nikhil can you pl msg me your number, if you dont mind please.
I am Dr. K. Muraleedharan Nair from Kerala. I have been engaged in designing dairy farms for 2 cows to 5000 cows.
If you are going for a 30 cow dairy farm you will be having 30 young ones also within 2 years, provided the male calves are disposed at an early stage itself. If it is taken granted that the intercalving period is one year 5 cows out of the 30 will be dry at all time. If you are preferring for a tie stall the length of the shed will be 17.5 metres when you go for a shed on two line face to face system. The common feeding space(manger) will be given 2 metre width with a manger wall of 15 cm thickness. Manger wall will have 30 cm height from the feeding alley and 45 cm height from standing space of cows. Manger poles will be provided to a height of 45 cm from the top of manger wall to have safe feeding practice avoiding wastage of feed due to withdrawal of head during feeding.Standing space will be 180 cm long with cow seperators(preferably PVC filled with concrete to a height of 90 cms) at distance of 110 cms. Dung channel may be provided with a space of 60 cms at depth of 15 cms from standing space. Outer wall will have a height of only 30 cms to facilitate air circulation. If there are chances for invaders from outside, grills can be provided on the outer wall.
Please see the attachment for a model shed
If you want more informations in this regard please feel free to contact me oiver email