Pattypan, Small Pumpkin Seeds in India

Dear All viewers
plase provide the information of cultivation and seed availability of Pattypan and small pumpkins seed availability at india,
if any one is get please mail me the same information.

The picture of the Pattypan and small pumpkins are upload here.

Dear Mr.,

What you are saying is squashes- Both summer and winter sqauashes are available. Another type of

sqash weigh about 500 gm -600 gms and known arabi “GHARA”. Plse contact KNOWN YOU Seeds (I)

pvt ltd,pune .

Thank you
Good Luck

small pumkin seeds are available at IIHR HESARAGHATTA BANGALORE

Hi All
this is an urgent request - Can you please give me an insight or more info like Indian term or Hindi term for Patty Pan Squash, Availability in India and etc. This is real urgent and I would really appreciate any help on this and would be really glad to talk to you over the phone on this.



Patty Pan (C. pepo) grows like any other squash/cucumber, it is Chappan Kaddu in Hindi and grows well in north India and it is common vegetable in spring & summer. Mostly it is trailing habit but few bushy varieties are also available.But trials/bushed are not really huge sizes. Here are few common varieties;

Early yellow prolific, Pusa Alankar, Australian Green, Punjab Chappan Kaddu-1, Patty Pan (from IIHR, Banglore), etc. You may find some hybrid varieties also.