New farm design for High Density farming

Hi all,
I am planning to start plantation in my 2.5acres of land. Its a dry land near Andra border with high temperatures in summer. I have a borewell with 250ft depth with 4inch water delivery.
I am planning to install 7.5Hp solar pump and split the farm as below.

  1. 0.5Acre of land for dragon fruit
  2. 1 Acre with 45x45 coconut (Tiptur tall) and 15x15 butterfruit
  3. 1 Acre with 45x45 coconut (Deejay hybrid) and 15x15 mango.

Is this farm design good enough. I am confused if I can plant coconut and mango together.

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Suggest coconut as border crop with 20-25 ft and Mango and Butter Fruit as the center crop.
Usually Coconut with Banana combination is very good as both the crops needs more water.

Thanks for responding. What is the spacing suggested for coconut in borders. Can I plant tissue culture teak and coconut alternatively?

Spacing for coconut especially in borders can be anywhere between 18-25 ft and you can plant teak in the center as well.
Also, between the coconut and the teak plant you can plant banana as well.

Oh this is great. Then for border I will go for 25 feet coconut dwarf variety. Between that One teak. So either sides 12.5ft coconut trees

Is it recommended to intercrop in mango or jamoon?
Planning to space 15*15 for mango too. Want to see If I can intercrop anything in between like above

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