Need advice on what to plant

We have 30 acres of land near Yadgir, Karnataka (rural north east karnataka). It has Red soil and canal water is available. We want to plant two or three types of fruit trees. Please suggest what to plant for maximum profit with less/medium maintenance and also should we plant each variety separately or intercropping, if intercropping please suggest compatible types. What fruit trees should we choose. Please advice. Also, what subsidies are available for saplings, fertilizers and digging pond. Also, will high density planting be successful, do you advice it or not ?

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You can go for Cashew. Please call me at 9902273468

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Hi Sampath,

First of all, congratulations on your endeavour.

  1. Do you have a list of fruits that is normally grown in your place or area?
  2. Where are you going to sell your produce?
  3. 30 acres is a huge area. If you restrict yourself to 2 or 3 fruit trees, anything you produce is going to be huge and you can sell only to the large parties.
    My suggestion is to have at least 10%-20% area for each fruit tree and plan in such a way that the produce(harvest) is available throughout the year.
  4. Avoid doing inter cropping of different fruit trees as each has its own water needs, sunlight etc. But you can inter crop with moringa (Drumstick) or other crops.
  5. High density planting requires high maintenance.

So, you need to do market research and come up with at least 5-10 fruit trees suitable for your area and market. Thereafter, you can think of inter crops.

My fruit trees list would be:
2. Coconut
3. Jackfruit
4. Cashewnut
5. Sapota
6. Guava
7. Seethapal
8. Sweet Lime
9. Pomegranate
10.Banana etc

Best of Luck!!!


For low maintenance, reasonable income and high density, Guava seems to be an ideal choice. You can think about jackfruit also.


First find out what trees are being grown in a radius of 20 kms from your farm
Check with the nearest Horticulture department on matters of subsidy for saplings, suitable trees for your area and also for digging a pond.
Why don’t you also consider growing trees of timber value at least along the boundary.
30 acres is too big to start things at one go. Implement it in phases. Only then you will come to know about the other factors like labour availability and marketing issues.
High density planting has its own disadvantages. How closely you can monitor the day to day activity is crucial here.
Finally,Go slow


All you need is - own efforts , investment and marketing initiative to start a start-up cultivating , harvesting ,and marketing lesser known agro products in the wider market place of Karnataka .
Primary Requirements -
local manpower to manage day to day farm activities
soil test to check if is healthy or dead soil
irrigation facility ( drip , sprinkler etc.
following species can be cultivated and introduced in Bangalore and Mysuru urban and peri-urban market landscape
Jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus) a rooted crop not grown anywhere in south india , including Karnataka .Mostly cultivated in West Bengal and delivered to Bangalore consumers from West Bengal .The roots can be stored in cold storage for year round consumption .
Grewia asiatica ( Falsa) an wild perennial plant species ,are also not grown in South India , and summer fruits are highly demanding in South India .
Aegle marmelos ( Bael ) Limonia acidissima ( Wood apple / Elephant apple ) both are wild fruits highly demanding ,
Thysanolaena maxima ( Broom Grass / Tiger grass ) , another perennial wild grass species , leaves are used for fodder and flowers are harvested for broom making purpose .
Pandanus amaryllifolius ( Pandan ) another perennial plant species , fresh leaves smells same as “ Basmati rice “are sold in any super markets of Bangalore , used as spice .
Sechium edule ( Chow chow / Cheyote ) a perennial vine plant species , fruits are sold as vegetable .
Eryngium foetidum ( Culantro ) a perennial herb plant , leaves smells like green coriander , are sold in any super market
Allium fistulosum ( Scallion / Welse onion ) an annual green onion species .

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If you need to do anything now, do it now, don’t miss this monsoon it is vital for the growth of plants Give your plants the best chance to thrive. Make sure to water them regularly and feed them the right nutrients. Doing it now will ensure your plants have the best opportunity to grow and flourish.

ThnQ Very Much Sampath Garu for Choosing our Platform, Farmnest. The suggestion is different from Farmer to Farm i.e Full-time Farmer. Part Time Farmer, Occasional Farmer.
However I am suggesting you to Go for the following Fruit Trees

.MANGO : Mango is a easy Farming. But it fetches a Limited Revenue, since the Price of Mango is Limited. The reason is the Mango Exports are banned long back because of the Carbide and Pesticide residuals. Hence I am suggesting you to go for 20% Mango . Out of which 50% Fruit Mango and 50% Raw perennial Mango, either Punasa or Sadabahaar .

JAKFRUIT: Go for 10% Jack Fruit Targeting Hyderabad Market

GUAVA : You can go for 20% Guava because it is for Diabetic Remedy Fruit. This also You can Target Local and Hyderabad Market.
SEETHAPHAL: You can happily go for Seetha phal having GOOD Market because , in view of the naturally grown crop has been roiled out . You .can go for 15%
POMEGRANETE : it is also having GOOD Market in Hyderabad. But it tend to Pests and needs more care . 10%
DRAGON FRUIT: If you can Invest more can go for 20% . Though More initial Investment , it is an Easy Maintenance for a Longer Period. Good Profitable Market in Hyderabad.20%
PASSION FRUIT: It is Good and easily grown fruit can harvest in shorter time . It needs Pendal .5%. It gives an abundant crop.
Best Wishes
for Vasudha Green Farms,
Note: Kindly don’t hesitate to contact for any further details.