Mango intercropping coconut trees

Hi All,

Can any one suggest low height mango trees for intercropping coconut trees? Right now I have Baganappilly and few local varieties along with coconut trees and they are growing big and shading out coconut and entire area.

Can I prune big mango trees and still achieve reasonable yield?


What is the height you are looking at? Normally a mango tree can be maintained to reach a height of 8 to 12 ft buy pruning top branches.

Can I prune big mango trees and still achieve reasonable yield?
Yes, big mango trees can be pruned and I heard that this activity gives very good yeild in the coming years.


8 ft to 12 ft should be enough since with this height it won’t interfere with my coconut trees…I came across the UHDP (Ultra High Density Planting) of mangoes in which they maintain a height of 6ft-7ft and plants more than 1000 trees per acre?. Jain irrigation has one such farm in Pollachi, have to visit them to get more details.


Hello nandan,

Can you please give me details/address of the pollachi farm…

check below vedio @ 1.39min for address & email Id at the end of the vedio