Looking for innovative dairy farmers!

Are you an innovative dairy farmer?

I need your help!!

I am looking for responses to my survey below for feedback on a product that could make it to the market!

The idea of this product is a light-up, LED smart-collar used to identify animals on the farm. The collars will be connected to the digital management system of the farm. The goal of the product is to identify attention (or problematic) animals and increase time efficiency and precision on the farm.

Link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=eEflPJ6tMk-4ZBQ7rHETBS5NvZPyWXZGouhSphxo-mJUOFpEOU9XS0g2V0JQWEtOWDY5SzI4TDc3Ry4u

I am a student studying abroad in the Netherlands and currently my term project is to create a new product to help farmers worldwide. I am working alongside a group of international Animal Husbandry students from Van Hall Larenstein in the Netherlands.

Can you help us?
Any questions? Leave a reply!

Hey Hartley,
Good to hear from you.
I am working on this very unique model of dairy farming in india on a large scale with a plan of min 500 cows and I this prototype technology seems really interesting. Can you tell me more about it?


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This project is for university, and my group has surveyed close to 60 farmers to determine a design and product target.

The product is designed as a smart collar and will use LED lights to help farmers identify attention cows in large herds within the barn. Other design aspects might include location, charging, and adaptations for milking parlour set-ups. The prototype is still in design, but we hope to make a product which is affordable, durable, and helps farmers increase efficiency and animal welfare with more urgency toward attention animals’ treatment. That’s all the information I have for now.

Thanks for your interest.

Thank you so much Hannah for taking your time out and responding.
Do let me know if you come across anything exclusive and underrated in terms of technology and methods that could be incorporated in animal husbandry and organic farming(in India)

Thank you again :blush:

If any one running dairy farming or planing to start. Please contact KisanKraft for advanced dairy farming equipment’s. These are helpful to reduce labour cost, saves your time and helps to do effective work at reasonable price. You can check here: https://www.kisankraft.com/milking-machine-dairy-farming-equipment/