We have land in udupi-karkala (karnataka) area which was uncultivated for past 25 years. We now plan to develop it in stages. The soil is compacted due to presence of clay matter and years of neglect with rain water run off the surface. In the monsoon and post monsoon months the ground has green grass cover - as nature protecting its own top soil but not much diversity beyond 5-6 varieties of annual weeds as in the picture.
We are planning to start with 4-5 acres this season with goal of starting tree based agri (coconut and Areca areas serparately, Papaya, Cocoa etc as inter crops). For soil preparation, I am going to lightly till the compacted soil and turn some 9-10 inches of top soil, after a week lightly rotavate to somewhat level it and hand spread some mix of green cover seeds (horsegram, cowpea, diancha, corn, peanuts and other navadhanyas - will dry to diversify seeds as much as possibly within cost limits). Might do 2 rounds of this if required in the study area.
Meanwhile, my question is whether to apply the cover crop technique over the remaining acres which will not be attended for next 2 monsoons atleast. We plan to grow varities of fruit tree - local and exotic in the next phase of expansion here. There is going to be no irrigation to these additional acres in the summer. So expecting most of the cover crops that cannot survive on evening due and some occasional off season rains to dry out during April-May summer heat. The benefit I am seeking is improving the soil carbon over next years, and diversifying the vegetation and hoping the root system will help improve the soil compaction and carbon mix. Moisture retention if any during summer if any would be a bonus.
Since there are costs involved in first time tilling, and one time seed procurement - I need experienced minds to guide me if I should go for if - assuming my budget for the year allows for it. If there is no benefit from this exercise I refrain and save the budget.
What do you suggest? Also what are the good cover crop options for 40-45 days rotavating and for long term - such that terminating it after 2 years wont be difficult exercise. Let me know what you thing of this plan? I do not want to do anything that makes the situation worse than what is it at the moment.
Please also zoom in on the grass/weed carpet and share what you think they suggest about soil health. I am yet to conduct soil tests. Any tips and suggestions over land preparations is also welcome.
ThnQ Very Much Brother in Providing a Suggestion on reclamation of Barren Land for Several Years… There is a Proverb that “ONE YEAR SEEDING IS SEVEN YEARS WEEDING”. For your Land First use ploughing with Tractor on Dryspell when there is no Rain for atleast ONE WEEK. Then Rotavate it.
After Rotavating , you can go for Green Manure Crops below in Order of Preference:
(1)diancha, (2)Sunn Hemp, (3)(Pillipesara seeds) Known as Phaseolus trilobus ,seeds.(4)(1) Gives much green Manure with Soil Carbon Less Nitrogen (2) & (3)(4) also gives green Manure aditionally Provides Nitrogen supplement to the Soil. It is not Practable to go for, corn, peanuts and other navadhanyas .
If you want to erdicate weed completely we will Provide a Perminent Solution for “D”-Weeding without using any Chemicals. IMPORTANT: Kindly don’t go for chemical weedcides
Without clearing WEED (Weedout), it is not advisable to go for Cropping.
You have nort provided the Irrigation fecility for the Land you are going for crops. To decide the Cropping pattern it essetnitial to know the Irrigation, Your Time spending on the Land (First let us know you are the FULL TIME FARMER or ABSENTEE FARMER). Also considering your Present Profession.
We will Provide Consultancy services on Turnkey basis.
With Best Wishes,
Satyanarayana Manne,
for vasudhagreen, vasudhagreenfarms@gmail.com,
Thanks for you tip on not using peanuts and corn. I will study this further and also consult the local govt argi office on available seeds during this time.
So you recommend tilling and green mulching the land which is not planned for cultivation for next 2 years as well? If the key principle here seems to be to rotavate just in time for flowering, to avoid your reference to the “7 years of weeding” problem, what is the benefit of doing this now vs 2 years later when we plan to cultivate on those acres?
With reference to irrigation, what I meant was that irrigation pipelines are not yet setup on the entire farm and we plan to do it in phases over next 3-4 years. Water sources are 2 open wells, 3 borewells (1 inch, 2*3inch).
As the land cove with weeds is high, better to work with rotavator first and then ploug. Before working with cultivator, broad cast green manure seed and ploug back at flowering before weeds set seed. Then plan for you planting in Jan.
Both Coconut and Areca does not like clay soils. You should have drainage facility for water especially during the rainy season, if you soil is clay. Otherwise, the roots will rot quickly.
1 Acre - Multi Seed Cover Crops for Soil Rejunevation cost around Rs.2,000/-. You can get the details about the crops from my blog or search in the net.
If you soil is very bad, you should try to do the seeding at least 3 times.
First Time after seeding - 30 days - plough back the crops and rotavate them with the soil.
Second Time after seeding - 45 days - plough back the crops and rotavate them with the soil.
Third Time after seeding - 60 days - plough back the crops and rotavate them with the soil.
For the rest of the area, you can go for perennial grasses for the time being.
I am curious to learn from you how do you decide 1 time vs 2 time vs 3 time green cover manuring. I understand each cycle will contribute tons of biomass, but how much is optimal and how to know what is optimal.
I have read your blog articles from a decade ago where you have listed some green manure crop varities and have taken notes - they are evergreen reference material that will never go outdated! Thanks for putting in the effort to record your learnings for newbies like us to follow.