Innovative Drip Irrigation

Got this on FB. Posting here. It seems an interesting idea.

I agree idea is innovative
Question. Are we not removing natural minerals like Ca,Mg,… which acts as micro nutrient?
Refilling is tediouse, works for small holdings.
Life of the plastic bottle under sun is not long. These bottles are designed to keep refregerated.

True Sree. Agree it can be used for small holdings. Else not practical. I guess Ca, Mg are removed due to evoparation? Something to ponder about.

There is also a method “Pitcher Pot” irrigation. It is already discussed in forum … 7/#msg4997

This is usefull in area where water is really scarce and scalable see below picture how it can be scalable

Thank you Sri.

More about the wetpot here: and in the video below

Folks who have established plantations will often have laggard trees which did not grow out as healthy and large as others in the area. Apply ‘Deep Root Irrigation’ methods to rejuvenate the tree and expedite their growth. On youtube, search for Deep Root Irrigation / Deep Root Fertigation and you should see several techniques. Essentially, it is a method of delivering the water and nutrients deeper underground and into the tree roots. This technique is good for trees, established plantations and is fairly scalable. Good quality materials in bulk quantities can turn our to be decent investment.

I would be interested in seeing if anyone would like to collaborate over designing a cheaper, ‘desi’ model which is cheap, easy to use & replace as well as scalable. It would be good to hear from anyone in India who has employed this technique on commercial farms.

A more popular term for what you’re referring is “sub surface irrigation” or subsurface irrigation. Youtube result for “deep root irrigation” (in quotes) = 1 video. Youtube result for “subsurface irrgation” = 437 videos.

As I’ve said here before, knowing the right term while researching online makes all the difference.

The wet pot method described above or pitcher method (clay pot irrigation) is an example of subsurface irrigation.

Though it is an Innovative Concept, It is not Practicable.This Concept I made 10 Years back with Mud pots with Small Holes and One Farmer has got Rs.60,000/- in Half Acre of Land by Growing Ribbedguord It was successful where the Water availability is very less. This Bottle Concept may not work for Farms.It may work for only small Kitchen Gardens.

It would be worth to have a look at this thread as well. … 5/#msg8955

Some innovative techniques are shared & discussed over here