I am buying a Sahiwal HF Cross Cow, need inputs


We are planning to buy a cow. She is a breed of HF + Sahiwal, she is black and have features like Hump, Large udder etc. Now, our requirement was to get pure Indian breed which has become impossible to find in our area (Chattishgarh).

If you guys know the concept of A1 A2 milk, Indian breed produce A2 milk which is supposedly better than A1.

Anyways, what I want to ask is - whether I should buy this cow or not? Does Sahiwal cows come in black color (I have seen them in brownish golden color)? If you know, what kind of milk should I expect from this cross breed, A1 or A2?

I have attached pic as well.



As per the photo it is 75% HF and 25% Sahiwal (May be)

Sahiwal and redsindhi cows always has golden brownish.

I donot think you will get A2. Please do not buy look for pure Breed of Sahiwal only.

If the milk is for your own use then even Kankrej will give enough milk for you.

Regards / krishnaprasad

Thanks for your useful input Krishna.

Yes, we are buying for home use and want to go for the best milk producer (in terms of quality). Our requirements is 5-6 ltr/day.

Kankrej seems to be good, however I am scared by their horns. Are they quite or aggressive?

I have seen aggressive sahiwal cow which used to attack if you are standing showing back of yours. The aggressiveness will vary from animal to animals.

But if you have enough patience and commitment and lots of LOVE towards cows you can make them sadhus yes it takes time.

Kankrej cows cost is less and maintenance is very affordable. Once they adjusted to you or your family they are like small babies. They yield any where between 5 to 18 ltrs based on the maintenance of the cows.

If you can travel to south I will suggest puganur or Malnad cows. These are dwarf breed of desi cows. Very much adaptable to any environment and produce 2 to 4 ltrs. The cost is also very less. Maintenance is very less, their fat content is 8%

You have to buy 3/4 cows and a bull so that your mild need is full filled through out the year.

If you want to have desi cow milk for your family all time, then you require 2 to 3 cows based on lactation period/heat/pregency.

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Thats very very useful Krishna. Your knowledge is very good.


I am back.

I saw two more cows today, the seller claims that they are pure Sahiwal and is about the deliver (within 25 days). I am more inclined towards buying the first one (darker one). I need your suggestions.

Edit: He is asking for 60k for the first one, I think its too much, what do you think?

I am not an expert but i have learnt from my mistakes

while chosing cows you have look for these things
-----nature of the cow - good temperament(cannot be decided by photo)
-----breed of cow-- your choice
----age of cow–old cows value less(teeth method will tell u approximate age+/-6months)
----calving interval --repeatability of reproduction
----body of cow---- should be proportionate
----yield of cow — their claim and your reality differs a lot
----milk vein and udder—good tortuous milk vein and well spread udders will fetch lot of milk

i did few mistakes in chosing my cow i dont want others to make similar mistakes
ppl can learn from my mistakes

Everything seems to be good except I am not sure if its a pure Sahiwal cow, do you have any suggestion of how to identify one?

Please see the milkvine near udder in your two photos it is missing. Second one is not sahiwas. first one seems to one. Please take your veterinery doctor.

While taking photos, photo should cover udder and height of the camera should be at mid height of the cow.

Sorry about that. I will take a snap when I over there again tomorrow.

What should I look for?

PS: This cow will be delivering the first time (within a month), so please keep that in mind.

lets not get cheated

milk vein

above pic is of good sahiwal cow
look at her milk vein thats good(thick tortuous) ,her udder also good over all above image is an ideal lovely cow :slight_smile: :-* :sunglasses: ;D

but for first pregnancy milk vein wont be well developed
udder also takes time— udder will develop in last 20 days or so

enquire atleast 10 local farmers(good trustable) about the price
you may not find everything good in a cow you have to compromise sometimes( if cow has all good features farmer will be getting profits from the cow and he wont sell a good cow unless he has some real great problem)\

first pregnancy means cow should not have more than 3 permanent teeth( should not be more than 3years)
since it is first pregnancy one cannot be sure about milk yield

bargain like a true indian( ask for half the price ,highlight negative points about cow,haggle,haggle,haggle)


good luck vikasprogrammer--------------->vikasfarmer

Thanks Khannae, I really enjoyed your answer and found it very useful.

Here in Chattisgarh, locals either have Jersey or “Local” breed, I visited atleast 10 villages and Sahiwal and other indigenous breed is no where to be found.

So, this is the best I am getting. I will take vet to the cow and get the teeth checked and he may be able to throw some more light.

Yes, I am planning to go full on with the pricing. :slight_smile:

I doubt about the pureness of the breed, because it has no hump on the shoulder. This is the main signature of desi animal. looks like a jersey cross breed to me.

Any vets… do you agree with my point?

Hump is present, but yeah, its not that big as you have shown in the picture.

I also suspect a Jersey - Sahiwal cross. I will keep looking for more.

Yes sri you are right. It is breed of Jersy only.

Hello, I am fresher do not have any experience handling and caring cows but have a dream for dairy farming. Next year probably I might start but do not know how chose cows with suitable climent of my hometown which ranges temperature 26-30 degree. I am also looking for good and productive milk cows. Please suggest me as per valuable knowledge I would be really grateful to you. My email is jacobdtao@gmail.com. WhatsApp no 9833056448 thanks

I am not sure about your requirements. From which state you are?

If you are looking to purchase cows from Punjab than , I can suggest and guide.

But unfortunately do not have any contact in southern states.


sharad virmani