Hydroponics startup

I am planning to setup a hydroponic system ( initially start with 10,000 sq ft polyhouse ) in Bhopal ( MP) and willing to learn the things before startup on how to start and how to maintain. Is there any one who can provide.

(a) Project cost and some project reports for bank loan so as to establish essential evidence.
( b) Source for seed and nutrition supplies for cucumber, coloured capsicum, and cherry tomato
( c) Any training center in Madhya Pradesh for Hydroponics system

Thanks in advance

Hi, that is a question with a lot of answers. See our boards in Pinterest if you want to narrow it:


We can start from there.

Hope it helps.

Hi Anand,
I’m based at Indore. Interested in meeting you.


Hi ,

Please find comments :

(a) Project cost and some project reports for bank loan so as to establish essential evidence.
Project cost depends on what type of setup you are looking for and what do you want to grow.There are multiple ways of doing hydroponics and cost varies depends of type you choose
with the state like MP which is being referred as Krishi Pradhan state govt is not having sufficient fund to provide subsidy for poly houses you can meet your local horticulture officers for details ( sadly they don’t have any idea about anything :frowning: as you said you are from Bhopal you can directly visit NHM and NHB offices.Project reports can be collected from the vendor u will choose for construction of poly house / shade net house

( b) Source for seed and nutrition supplies for cucumber, colored capsicum, and cherry tomato.
There are lots of vendors , first choose the crop and varity then search for detail.

( c) Any training center in Madhya Pradesh for Hydroponics system.
MP there is no training center and if you go for other govt bodies also in india they provide training on soil based agriculture.Few private ppl provide training by charging big fee but feedback of training is poor u can search online.Better learn from you tube / google.

Thanks in advance

Can you share your number or e mail id so that I can contact you.
Alternatively, you can call me at 09822394170 or write to me at abhirutu@gmail.com

If you can share the details and cost here , larger audience will get benifitted and contact you.I think forum is meant for that only.

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Hello Vivek

Thanks for reply. I am in Dubai at present for my job assignment . My contact No is +971 569779225. By profession I am a Mechanical Engineer and managing multiple projects in UAE .
I am planning to return back to my country in a year and start vegetation using advance technology. I am already in contacts with advanced Hydroponics farms in UAE and my opinion is, if this is commercially successful in desert than why not in India.
At present I am in the phase of collecting information and visiting farms using different ways of hydroponics so that based on the feed back and collected information I can choose the suitable method of hydroponics for my future project.
It is request to all please provide me information /comments/ opinion/your experience on this hydroponics system.



@abhirutu Hi Abhi

Will contact you soon . you can also communicate me at ananddev2000@gmail.com .

@urbanjbp thanks for your input . I will check with NHM and NHB offices. Per my information subsidy on poly house is provided in MP.



@Ananddev subsidy on paper and project approval these two are different things…as per my cousin who us also starting hydroponic in MP and trying to get project approved from state /NHM has been suggested by autorities that fund is not there and wait is endless… one can apply but waiting for approvall will be in years , if one can wait its fine otherwise go ahead with NHB …cost norms and min size in NHB are high.

@Ananddev please do not do the comparision of hydroponic in foreign country with India as produce prices are bit low in india.

If one really wants to be successful in hydroponic first step he must know the art of blending the nutrients…This will reduce the cost at larger extent.

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I appreciate your feedback. Could you please send me your contact details at ananddev2000@gmail.com.

Thanks a ton

Dear Anand, i have done feasibility tests, on the basis of field reports of few existing farms around Delhi and Himachal. There are a few points, i want to put up.

10000 ft actually fails the cut off period of your investments return… As scale of production is not viable for the most lucrative and consistent markets. Interpolated to 40k or 20 k, with same rate of return, it drastically falls to half.

This is a calculated example with all field data,
10k farm cut off period, nearly 6 years
20 k farm… Nearly 3 years.

This input is vital, and i hope u consider it. I wish forward to help you out and myself in the process. Have a technical background, amazing access to govt machinery, and an unprecedent passion for hydroponics.

Anshuman Jha

E mails are boring…

Update contact numbe plz, or call 9205338602.

Indori bandhu