How to revive coconut trees?


I found similar GIANT coconut in todays International Krishi Mela @ GKVKk, Bangalore. It’s Called Andaman giant.
Pics attached.

Thanks Abhi! Good to know! How long is the mela? I wanted to visit over the weekend, but had other priorities… :frowning:

Hi, hire are your coconut trees doing now??

Hi? Have you checked actual size of Copra Nut?
What is actual size of Coconut after removing the husk?

Simply start growing inter crops of any legumes, do nothing to cocount trees, that itself will take care of Coconut trees.
I have succeded doing intercrop of sericulture in coconut garden, result is good. Taking care of only sericulture by applying menures in each and every time harvest of mulburry leaf once in 60 days.Irrigation can be through flood or drip method is ok. Flood irrigation given best result.

Except caring sericuture, nothing is doing to coconuts. The result is awsome.