How to get rid of caterpillar worms from plants

My flower plants are infested with caterpillar type of worms. They are killing the leaves. Any advice on how to get rid of it

You can get medicines for these kind of worms. I personally suggest you organic spray which you can prepare at home only. Take chilly and neem leaf juice, mix with a glass of water and spray it on plants leaves everyday and get good results, it may take time to recovery compared to the chemical medicine.


Thank you, John

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Hello, you have to spray the soil, it is best to buy some soil spraying in the store and spray it, I had the same problem, but in another plant I sprayed the soil and 2 days later they were gone, you just need to buy a good one

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Hey @girpra2006 Can you please tell us in detail about what kind of flowers plants you have growing which are infected by those caterpillar worms? So, I would give better advice as per your requirement.

I was talking about pinwheel flower. There were some 10-12 worm like caterpillar. I removed those leaves and caterpillars . Now the plant is free of these pests. Thanks for checking sir.image

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