Hello friends,
How to convert wet agriculture land (paddy field) to dry land as I am more interested in vegetable and fruit orchard and timber trees than paddy.
Paddy field is not suitable for vegetable/fruit/timber cultivation, hence i need to know how can we convert it to dry land.
Little I know is we need to put truck loads of dry land soil to the land and convert it , but i dont know the exact procedure.
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Does the land holds(stagnant) water during the rains? If yes, then you may have a problem. Otherwise, you can use the same for any other cultivation.
Try adding as much manure as possible if the soil had turned too hard due to repeated puddlings.
stop water logging, drain out 80% water, and leave the land as if its not yours for atleast 2 years. nature will take care of that. after that, go and do whatever you want, with high density planting.
Yes Brother Horticulture crops are more Profitable than that of Paddy at any time as far as my experience is Concerned.If your Land is Low Lying it may not be possible to Convert into Dry Land. But you can filling upit with borrowed earth which is very costly affair…
If it is on Elevated Stage you have to strengthen the Bunds to see that Rain water from other side not to enter in your Land. Get well dried, plough it ,Rotate it . Then you can go for Horticulture Crops
For airbreaking you plant Melia Dubia (Malabar Neem) Plantation around your land at 6 Feet Distance. It is not only wind Breaking but also a pest repellent.
for Vasudha Green Farms,(A Reliable Farming Consultants in India),
Hello Friends,
Thanks for the update.
Guess the farm is low lying area as it is in btwn a big canal and a small flowing stream.I have attached few pics.
If this can be converted to dry land, i need to stop water flowing into my fields from the flowing stream.Like for how many months the land needs to be left dry without water inflow so that it becomes dry for vegetable fruit and timber cultivation.
If i need to put few truck loads of soil, for how many feet do i need to fill the land.Since its a black soil, can i mix it with red or do u need to fill it with black.
Dear sir
I suggest a simple solution which we practiced and succeeded. You make ridges in your field according to water depth and plant timber species on the ridges. Water will flow in between ridges. If any doubts kindly contact me.
With regards
Dr. K. Srinivas
Managing Partner
Srikiran Biotech
Cell 9849194748
Web srikiran.in
Hi Rajiv,
I have got a similar situation as you’ve mentioned. Can you please share if you were able to get some help on the issue you had mentioned?
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