How to control downey mildew in color capsicum in greenhouse?

I have a planting color capsicum in three acre greenhouse. In present starting of Downey mildew attack And covored 60% on the plant. the plant age is 120 days.
i already sprayed on the plant M45, Redomil, and Amistar in 7 days interval but no more result.
and also pruning some necessary leafs.and other side harvesting is ready. so pls give guideline.
Mob.No. 09904647000

Dear Mitul,

Looks like the moisture in the soil is the reason for this. You will have to study the water consumption.
Do you have raised bed for plants?(prevention measures)
Have you used Trichoderma, neem Cakes before plantation?(prevention measures)

You can also try spraying milk(desi cow) mixed in water or sour buttermilk of Desicow.( treatment)
If you have plastic mulch remove it temporarily.(to minimise further developement)
Try to isolate plants affected from healthy ones .(to minimise further developement)
Have more deeper trenches to drain water.(to minimise further developement)

See some chemical way of controling it in attachment.

I would request Nikhil to put more light on “how it is mitigated in your farm”
powdery_and_downy_mildews_on_greenhouse_crops.pdf (543 KB)

First of all, you should verify that it is downey mildew and not any other deficiency or disease, it would help if you upload some pictures here for the experts to look at and comment.
Dont have anything to add other than what you have already done and seen. Even sri2012 has given some suggestions that can be tried.
If you can remove plants that were badly affected it will bring it under some control by avioding spreading to other healthy plants.
This is a very stubborn disease. Try to keep spraying with the same medicines in rotation pattern every 3 days. Powdery mildew requires top and bottom should be sprayed, not sure if this applies to downey as well. But no harm in doing.

Good luck, unfortunately in this case you will need it.


for prevention — regular preventive spraying with pseudomonas will help. this will be very cheap also. but this may not work well if you spray after the spread of the disease