How Good is Host combination for Sandalwood , SilverOak ( after 3 years Pepper) ?

Hello Everyone,

I am looking forward to information on Host plant selections and along with some of low maintenance crops.

MainCrop: 1) Sandalwood 2) Pepper
Primary host(0-2) years: Pigeon Pea or Others any
Longterm Host: SilverOak Or Melia dubia ( please share your view ) I am considering Pepper as main crop too!

some of the best Nitrogen fixing plants and Fruits in between to fetch some minor yields.
whats you experience on Farmland as hedge crop?

Some of questions in mind.

  1. How many trees can i plant per acre and recommended spacing.
  2. SilverOak Or Melia dubia ( please share your view )
  3. What price can be expected for the yield from silveroak and Melia dubia .
    I have heard i can get a very good yield in 10 years.
    4.Does Pepper And silver oak shades can impact grow of Sandalwood growth or heartwood?