How big brands sell ghee at such cheap rate

How big brands sell ghee at such cheap rate when ghee is prepared in 1:35 ratio

They sell ghee which is prepared from the cream that is separated from the milk using cream separator to get toned milk. The toned milk is sold separately and hence the actual cost for manufacturing ghee is very less, this is why they sell ghee at cheaper rates and still earn huge profits.

Ideally, there is 4% fat in cows and 8% in buffaloes
Tradionally, curd is churned to get butter which is converted to ghee after heating.
By above method, the following holds for cow
100g milk contains 4g fat
1000g milk or litre of milk contains 40g fat
25 litres of milk contains 1000g fat or 1 kg ghee
In practical conditions, fat varies from 2.5% to 4% depending on feed, early lacation or late lactation, lactation number etc. Generaly 35 to 40 litres of milk needed

For buffaloes, with same calculation, comes to 12.5 litres of milk for 1 kg ghee

Farmer price of jersy cow milk is Rs25/litre., Minimum cost of ghee should be Rs625/kg if buttermilk is not sold.
If its desi cow, milk retail price is Rs100/litre. Price of ghee should be around Rs1500 to Rs3500/kg

In modern methods, cream is derived from raw milk which is later converted to ghee.

Does these two methods ghee are same when we do scientic analysis… Absolutely not.
Ayurveda/Panchgavya doctors says ghee prepared in traditional method has good fat and has lot of benefits
Modern method ghee has bad cholestrol

All the big brands sell this ghee only by procuring butter from different milk collection centres