Growing Purpule Yam in pots

Dear friends.

I stay in rowhouse and have sunlight in abundance. On better-half’s demand tried growing purple yam. Got some from local market tried some videos from net. Planted in 1 X 3 X 2 pots filled with routine sandmix and believe me it was amazing. absolutely easy. Harvested almost 5 kg from 5 pcs and 5 pots. Had planted garlic pods on borders and amazing combination.

Those who can must try. It may take almost 120 days but wait is worth…

Sandip Vora, Pune

Can u send me growing process. if u have pics plz attach.

Can you write in detail from zero to now with picture.
If you do so it will be highly apriciated by farm enthusiast and help to become gardener.
And I am eager to know the detail , as I am going to try .