Growing Fodder in 1 Acre

Hello Everyone,

I have questions on fodder planning. I want to go for native & indigenous crops. I don’t want to go for hybrid varieties. Also, I want to grow combination of grazing fodder, tree fodder, fodder crops and traditional herbs.

My question:

  1. What are the varieties (grass, crops, trees, herbs) I must consider?
  2. In what proportion (grass, crops, trees, herbs) should I plan in 1 Acre?
  3. How many desi cows can output from 1 Acre support?

Thanks in advance.


Jinjwa grass is native, you can try this with some moringa trees for its leaves, which should also provide nitrogen fixation in the soil. Other than this you can consider growing some veggies, which grow quickly and also can be fed to cattle. However, compared to other hybrid grass, the yield of Jinjwa is less, but its quite health.

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Dear Aravind sir,
if you want, please, consider my suggestions for starting fodder farm for supporting a Dairy farm. For this you Do have clarity on these.

  1. How many acres you have, water availability (all year round), Finance budget, manpower etc.
  2. with the above information, please go meet and discuss with the Veterinary experts of NDDB, your state Dairy Authorities, and existing successful Dairy Entrepreneurs.
  3. Try to meet, Fodder Seeds supplying expert farmers (visit their farms, where they are producing Fodders/fodder seeds.
    On enquiry you can gather information and/or, if you require any specific, i can share my available information.
    Up to my knowledge, your idea of growing Desi A2 Cow breeds with native Fodder crops, is very good and profitable, but much labor dependent.
    All the best to you sir
    g.p.rao, farmer

Namaste. Yes, I am already trying jinjwa grass. Thank you.

Thank you sir. I have 3 acres overall. Plan to have diverse crops, but allocate a part of it for fodder. Just two dwarf variety native breed cows currently but I may add a few more. Purpose of cows is only to support natural farming. No intention of monetizing milk.

Thanks @g.p.rao garu for your selfless service in helping everyone. Most appreciated.

Dear Dr Chandra Sir,
mostly learnt these from you and your good service Sir
ever yours farmer friend g.p.rao

Dear Arvind sir,
very honestly speaking, you have 2 alternatives.
one, to meet Veternary/Agriculture Authorities of your area for getting native variety seeds/cuttings of native fodder varieties
Try to meet Mr Nadendla Brahmayya of Shadnagar, Rangareddy District, Telangana State, ( Phone 9666333850 ), who is working lot on Fodder grass varieties for all animals, since more than decade ( of course. commercially ). Contact him, get the seed/cuttings after verifying the plantations with him.
After getting seeds/cuttings, grow them Organically, and try to get good results sir.
All the best to you
g.p.rao, farmer

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