Fence for agri land

Hi all…
Planning to fence about 13 acres of agri land…
Can anyone suggest a cheap cost effective fencing idea… Budget 3 lacs for 13 acres…

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Please share the purpose of fencing.

  1. Do you have disputes with neighbours and hence like a immediate permanent fixture
    • Fixed solutions range from compound wall (most exp) to ibex (medium cost - but requires monthly maintenance) to barbed fence (cheapest - but need replacement every 5 years min)
  2. Good neighbours and no animal trespassing problems, just to mark the boundary
    • Green fence options open up with thorny bushes to fend off stray animals - takes time but very low cost and maintenance once setup
  3. Elephant/Wild Boar/Cheetah etc problems
    • Ibex will address last 2, but elephants are difficult to keep off and need combination of ibex and trenches increasing expense and wasting land space.

The main criterion to estimate the cost is the perimeter length of the land. Number of acres is not a good reference point if you intend to calculate the costs. Depending on the terrain and the shape of your land, a 13 acre plot may need more resources and expense than a 20 acre square plot on a flat terrain. Best to capture the total running length via GPS on your phone and also count the number of turns and elevation changes - all of which will add up the cost. Curved perimeters are the most difficult and often have the most disputes with neighbours.

PS: Even if you think you have no dispute, be prepared for sudden surprises when you start your work. Fencing is the best way to unearth land disputes and genrally not done in a casual manner. If the survey stones are no clear, you will require to hire the services of surveyor which requires payment of fees and a waiting time of upto 1-2 months and sending notices to all neighbours.

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I’m facing a similar situation. Have ~15A to fence in. The current fence is constantly being damaged, and we also have the added problem of wild boars and peacocks.

I’ve been given several suggestions - none of which I’ve used so far and am still looking into.

The first is pre fabricated concrete walls, which apparently is cheaper than building regular walls. The second option was solar electric fence, but unsure if this can truly keep boars away (as well as humans). I’m also looking into mesh fencing from Tata Wiron.

Keen to hear what the experiences of others in this forum are.

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I think you would do well by saving the money required for compound wall for agricultural investment.

Solar powered DC electric fence operated at 1400-1800 volts DC pulsating current is good deterrence for wild boars from my personal experience. Wild boars are afraid of anything shiny and once electrocuted tend to avoid the area for a long time. Only way for a wild boar to enter would be to run in with good momentum and uproot 3-4 fence posts by ramming into the wires. The electric wires (TATA) have good guage thickness and impossible to cut and hence will uproot a few posts instead of snapping. I have heard of these cases but each time it was the animal running away from something that scared it and it is running for its dear life and the fence in such cases wont stand a chance, electric or barbed.

Humans/Monkeys/Cows/goat/sheep/stray dogs etc will never venture nearby after first incident. Animals use sense of smell over sight and hence will try to sniff the new shiny wire and get electrocuted by the nose or lips which are very soft tissues. The pulse causes them to bite themselves (tongue/lip) with uncontrolled jaw movement due to electrocution. The electric shock on the facial tissues combined with the self inflicted bite registers in memory for a long period so a good deterrent.
PS: How do I know this? I got electrocuted by accidentally contacting the wire by the nose during maintenance and the electrocuting was more scary than touching by hand which I experienced multiple times and used to.

Monkeys and peacocks cant be controlled by electric fence since they will find aerial route into your farm. Monkey menace will reduce and more so if you can maintain a clearance of 15-20 feet inside the fence and 5 feet on the outside and no overhanging branches to jump off. Monkeys generally donot jump beyond 10 feet gap. Peacocks are birds are not controlled by land fence and you need netting, hunting dog breeds etc for these but still not foolproof.

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Thanks, Ashwin. This is very helpful. One of the things I was told is that boars tend to dig, and that a solar fence may not do the trick as they can easily dig underneath the fence. Is this something you’ve seen/heard/agree with?

Separately, have you come across any reputed solar fencing vendors that you could recommend? Thanks!

Use this type of wire and pole for this budget

Not experienced boars that are so determined to dig. Also, since the 1st wire near the ground is live, digging without contact requires human intelligence and agility to not come in contact during the effort. I have not seen such a determined and smart boar!

I would recommend going with local vendors who you can expect to visit within day or 2 for servicing. The hardest part is finding labour for small fixes - best is to learn it yourself and be independant, else have someone experienced who can visit within couple days.

Dont go for people who will not show up for small work. Which area are you from?

Be careful of the material quality. Sand/cement ratio and the thickness and count of the iron rods used. This is where majority of cheating happens.

If your place is nearby stone quarry - I would recommend starting there. Rock poles are best and cheapest if you are near quarry and work backwords from there. Cement poles can be arranged anywhere but try to use local material and avoid transportation costs.

Many thanks, Gurmeet and Ashwin. Very helpful advice.

Cultivation of hybrid variety PRICKLY PEAR cactus . Fruits are edible will be an additional income generation from the live fence . Another lesser known weed plant is also fit for live fencing - Ipomoea carnea , common English name is Pink Morning Glory . Tapper root is used for phytochemical extraction purpose . Third one is Bamboo ( Dendrocalamus strictus , Babusa Bambos ) .

Thank you.

350 feet x 1500 feet for banana cultivation

Yes sir We are fencing provider’s.we can complete all your fullfill within your financial budget.for further information contact me on my mobile by whatsapp…Nine 491 two6 four 6 double 7.

There are natural fencing methods. Call me for cheap ideas 9840939666