FarmNest: Company Helpdesks


We have created a section where agriculture company representatives are able to create threads to provide information on their products and answer questions from members on different aspects of the product.

For example, a seed company can provide details about their hybrid seeds and post photos, cultivation guidelines and unique features. Members can pose queries and seek additional information about the seeds. Similarly, a solar pump solution company can provide details of their solar pumps, their features, cost, installation experiences and technical guidance.

The Ads section will continue as it is, but this new section will provide the extra ability to discuss on the product features better than on Ads. It is likely the use of the feature will attract a small fee for the companies creating their helpdesks. Of course, FarmNest would not endorse any products and will moderate the threads for their quality and quantity.

If you are a company:

If you wish to provide support to members about your products, go to Groups menu and create a request to be added as a Corporate Member adding your details, for review.
You can create one dedicated support thread and respond on other relevant topics, but will not be permitted.

Comments and thoughts welcome!

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I feel this is an excellent initiative for farmers and company alike. Would be a good communication platform for both parties. Thanks for the same.

Dear Chandra,
Excellent initiative, wherein we the farming community gets the specific information from the respective companies. Thanks for the same.
Going to be another feather in your Cap.
r seshaadri

Thanks first of all…

We always getting something new from here…

Dear Dr Chandra,

Very good idea.

There are so many varieties of hybrid vegetable seeds, fruit plants, Flower plants released by the government institutes, Horti/Agri universities and also by private companies. Ofcourse the private companies give good ads for information to the farming community. The Institutes/Universities will not do it and we will not be knowing updates in their valuable research work.

Your idea is very good and may i request you, on behalf of our Forum, to motivate the authorities/professors of the institutes/universities, and / or Government ministry to advise the said, to interact with our Forum. Is it practicable to make it mandatory to provide information on our Farmnest regarding new releases of Hybrid vegetable seeds, high yielding hybrid fruit plants and/or Flower plants, with the involvement of Government ministry.

We appreciate your innovative thought and we request you to go in depth, possible.

best wishes, g.p.rao, farmer

Good idea! Thanks! :slight_smile:

Thanks all for the suggestions, now all we need to find is the companies! :stuck_out_tongue:

Good idea, sir.
We can continue to try but it has to be an effort by members wherever possible. Unfortunately, we have not had too much enthusiasm from University and Government departmental folks in our little efforts so far.

Dear Sir

That’s good initiative. However them Gem of knowledge lays with government institutions, universities… but and can get their participation in knowledge sharing.

in a long run farm nest can form region wise chapters, and get those university or research experts as patrons in such chapter. Their involvements and guidance can bring more attraction to farm nest as well as popularity. In many TV channel there is dedicated program for agriculture and may publishing about farm nest requested.

yesterday seen that 24MANTRA has launched organic food which ultimately due to the networking of farmers. I am sure such consolidation may be happened and farmers need to take benefit of the same.

all the very best.

rajan mathew


Its a good initiative and Hope will be a good success.


Dear Dr Chandra,

It is a fact that financial situation and money need of world and people living are not like earlier. Situation, and money requirement is high to live and increase of money requirement for existing costly livelywood , all including Professionals also needs money.

May I suggest you about my thought. We will pool up some considerable money, all put together. We will invite some qualified professors, and senior consultants, (voluntary senior farmers also on request) concerned, and we see that they will be paid some considerable honorarium. You will decide it and you will be the custodian.

It is our forum and we appreciate you and Sri sir, for your contribution. There should be a beginning. From my side, with your good acceptance, I want to send a sum of Rs 5,000/- to you, as a forum farmer. for this purpose immediately. pl accept and inform your bank account details.

Dear Forum Farmer Friends, let all of us also contribute, possible funds , for this purpose. My opinion is clear and good, i think. it is our forum and let us gain good Agri/Horti knowledge, and all of us encourage this system invented by our forum administrators. We can be helped, and we can help the new/younger farming generation and let us see that agri/Horti is life for tomorrow.

Let farmers of INDIA also respected like usa,Australia, China etc.

With best wishes, g.p.rao, farmer.

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It’s been a while we started with the Company Helpdesks idea, but we are pleased to inform our first organization Bighaat will be coming on board shortly to give their introduction and provide support to members!

Great sir,
Big haat is good e-commerce platform for farmers.
Hope we can discover more here on farmnest.