Dear Sir,
Rate seems fine…
But Transport Too much waste
Bangalore Kohinoor
Tarpaulin Co. 87, Opp VISL Bldg., 560002 – 22225407; 22293940 ,41513826
Mr Suresh 41513826
Best Regards
Joseph Britto
Sender notified by
06/07/19, 02:41:33 PM
Hi Dinesh,
I have a farm in HD Kote Road which is around 25 km from Mysuru. Bought it recently, would like to see your farm and vice versa.
Let me know when you are in Mysore next time. My phone number is 7619540547.
It would be good to have a small group in each region to exchange ideas etc.
Best Regards,
Don’t depend on cow manure alone. You can always go for a combination of composted cocopeat,bone meal and oil cake mixture-- 5 varieties. With the available cowdung you can mix the above and meet your requirements. Check : This company has good organic enriched manure which you can get only after you book in advance.