Hope you are doing well. Sorry for lengthy post. But needed to explain situation. Request your advice for putting up drip system in my land.
I do not have bore well. But there is a year round water from channel for agriculture. My 3 acre land is divided into 2 pieces. 1 1/2 acre on either side of the road. One piece ( two photos named land1) has gradual slope. This itself divided into 4 bits. There is a rise of 5 feet for each bit( last bit 20 ft from road level). In photo ‘land1 top to bottom’ you can see channel running all along length on left side.
Land 2 is mostly flat. But it is not yet ready …as i need to put more soil to level it.
Idea to take water from channel for drip. So i want to build krishi honda(farm pond) for storing water. Then take it from there for drip. I am thinking if it is better to build this at the top most bit and pump it down(not sure if gravity itself is sufficient Or build at bottom and pump up(this way i can do rain water harvesting). I think building it at bottom of land 1 would allow me to use drip for land 2 also ( By laying pipe under road to land2)
Please have a look and suggest. I am will initially start with green manure crop to enrich soil…meanwhile setup drip and then will plant papaya & Banana by oct-Nov. Thank you.
There is no need of leveling for Drip Irrigation. Drip installation companies will design,by putting valves at respective places to distribute water to the entire Land. For Drawing water from the Channel you need not put a Diesel Pumpset. You dig a Pond below the Channel Ground level and will automatically flow into the Pond and you can draw water from the Pond for Drip or Flow Irrigation by using your Electrical connection.For this Purpose you can have an open well submersible Pumpset. There should not be any objection from the Electricity Authorities. Further you should not Draw water from the Channel by using Diesel Pumpset or Electrical Pumpset. Hence plan accordingly as suggested above.
I checked with few people in my village regarding Karnataka Govt. Subsidy for drip irrigation. I was told that we need to pay around 40K per acer to govt. Then Govt. contractor will install drip. Then around 30K will be credited back to our bank account. I think in this way contractor will install inferior quality drip system to make money.
Can any one from Karnataka suggest if there is a way to install drip of our choice & get subsidy reimbursed on submission of bills. Also please suggest drip vendors with good service around Bangalore. I am currently inquiring with Jain irrigation. Thank you.
I think the information you got is wrong. Any how pl verify it from your taluk AD, Horticulture of your district.
Till now, even last year also, I have given an application to Dept of Horticulture, Sidlagatta Taluk, chikballapur district, Govt of Karnataka, and purchased Drip equipments worth rs 99,000/-, with my money from a drip supplier , and after installation I have submitted the bills and photos to same dept, they came and inspected and i got a subsidy of rupees 90,000/- cheque in my name.
upto my knowledge the subsidy in Chikballapur district is around rs 96,000/- per hector land.per person, subject to a maximum of 2 hectors. Pl go to your Taluk Horticulture office and give an application to them and as per your district norms ,you will be paid the drip subsidy.