My farm is one hour from Bangalore bordering Tamil Nadu.
I am planning Fish Farming Floriculture and Organic Green House farming.
I would like to talk to interested farmers and collaborate on the above.
Also looking at Banana Paddy and Mushroom
( Cordyceps ).
Sir, i am looking for some collaboration in agribusiness. Please let me know if we can connect and proceed for discussing the same.
Hello Guys,
My farm is one hour from Bangalore near Kunigal district. 88 km from Hebbal.
I am planning Fish farming , floriculture , cattle breeding and organic green house farming.
I would also like to talk to interested people with respective knowledge and experience.
Looking for collaboration as well.
Facility available at farm
- 6000 sqfeet shed available
- 3 borewell facility available
- Electricity connection available
4: Fertile land for crops
5: 3 acres 32 kunta land size
6: complete Boundary of the property is covered with 8 feet wall. So it’s compounded property.
7: Property is on interstate highway Road.
Shavar khan
Sir , unless you soil your own hands , consultants advice will not help you .
There is no rule is agriculture - One size Fits all " ! Those who says so are either bends the truth or self proclaimed half educated professionals As far as the Bangalore is concern manpower is the most expensive part of farm business , Second comes contaminated underground water , and third and last is local consumer choice and demand. Get your soil test done first ( top soil and sub soil ) as per the soil report do necessary soil amendments with natural regenerative components and technology .