Brown Spots on Pomegranate

Even at an early stage we have noticed brown spots on pomegranates. What is causing this?
Please let me know

Dear Sri Xisfan,

I was a Pomegranate farmer. Up to my knowledge, this may be due to alternaria fruit spot. a fungal disease. It starts with one or two fruits, and few abutting leaves, with small round, red and brown/blackish spots and after few days, the spots will become big and the fruit also gets rottened. If neglected, it will spread to neighbour leaves and fruits.

The affected/damaged fruits to be removed and burnt/burried. Sanitation in and around the plant plays a vital role. Spraying of Bleaching powder all around the ground abutting to the affected and abutting plants is advisable.

To control we use to spray Mancozeb @ 2.5 gms per ltr water on adding spreader @0.4 ml per ltr water. Again after 2 days we used to spray either, COC - 3 gms per ltr water or Kavach - 2 gms per ltr water, with spreader ( one among these two ). Problem used to gets solved.

Try to apply FYM plus Bio organisms , like t.viride,P.monas, P.mysis etc with neeem cake, as recommended by IIHR, Hasargatta, Bengaluru, to control soil born Fungis/Bacterial diseases.

with best wishes, g.p.rao, farmer

Sorry Mr. Rao had not checked for few days
Thanks for your inputs will try it out and keep you informed as and when things improve

Thank you Sir,

To get Quick assured Results, foliar spray of TILT 2Ml/ Liter Mixing Isabion @ 2Ml/Ltr dosage. Tlt be Sprayrd before 25 Days of Picking the Fruits. If the Fruits are in Advanced Stage Spry only Isabion. Both are the Products of Syngenta.

for vasudha Green Farms,,
9133498366 / 7416446789,

Thank you Sir,
Will try and give feedback