Crop: Mango
Variety: Hapoos, Rajapuri, Payri
Date or month when noticed: December 2024
Location: Khutej, Vapi, Gujarat
Climate: sunny/cold etc.
Possible cause: Have no clue
Clean the borer holes and apply 5 gm furadon granules in the holes and cover them with mud. One week later mix 15 ml. of monocrotophos in 5 lit. of water and pour on the trunk allowing it to drain in the soil.
Thank you Mr. Gunapalan. Appreciate your suggestion and will try your remedy. Meanwhile, the other observation that I’ve had is that because of the borer infestation, the outer layer of the trees bark/branches peel off. And in the gap between the outer layer and the bark/branch baby borers are present in the hundreds. Is there any medication that can be sprayed to terminate these baby borers, on the tree and those that fall to the ground?
Further to my posts on the ‘borer problem’, I disposed the trees that were affected beyond remedy. The resource provider who helped me for this recommended that I cut the entire branch of the balance trees which were affected and from which we’ve removed the bugs and taken remedial action. Else, according to him, any surviving bugs could get back to creating problems.
Await inputs if this is the course of action I should adopt or, if there is any other remedy I can take to pre-empt any re-infestation.
Sound drastic. Some pictures will help.
You can spray Monocrotophos at 2 ml/ lit. on the barks and trunk. Repeat after 15 days.
If you observe sawdust coming out while inspecting the stem of the plant, enlarge the hole using a wire and pour a mixture of 10 ml Chlorpyrifos and 20 ml kerosene into the hole, then seal it with wet soil (Mud).
In the orchard, if you set up a light trap between 7 to 9 PM, beetles of this pest are attracted. Place a container with water under the light trap and add some kerosene to it, so that the beetles fall into the water and die.
This will help prevent the borer attack for new trees.
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