Bitter gourd leaves yellowing

Dear all,

The older leaves of bitter gourd vine have started to turn yellow. Eventually they dry off. The growth otherwise appears to be good. I have attached pictures taken today.

The soil is found to be deficient in P and K. I have added some sterameal and wood ash yesterday. I think/feel this is potassium deficiency. Can someone confirm?

Western Ghats Maharashtra

One more picture of the vine

Not only NPK it could be Micro nutrient deficiency also. If you follow chemical farming you can spray micro nutrient mixture and water soluble 19all and amino acid.


Thanks for your response.

Ours is organic farm. Last week we have applied wood ash and sterameal. We will wait and see how it goes.



Thank you Sir,

You Spray Panchagavya in weekly intervels for 3 Weeks and afterwards once in 15 Days during entire Crop Period. Also you Provide Jeevaamrtam to the rootzone of the creepers once in 15 Days . 3 days after Amavasya and 3 Days Before Pournami.

Any way plese Provide the Images to assess the Problem while doing the above procedures.

Check you wood ash ingredients ph level it mostly your add unstable mulch

good evening Sir,
Bittergourd veins are turning yellow what is the cause pls suggest me

Shivanand Biradar