Bio-shield using casuarina, a natural wind-breaker - Protect Banana from Monsoon

Hi All,

Just wanted to share this wonderful piece of information published in The Hindu dated 23rd July 2013, Coimbatore Edition.

Institute of Forest Genetics & Tree Breeding (IFGTB), Coimbatore has test run planting casuarina among banana plantations and looks succeeding in protecting from monsoon fury.

More details available @ … 941968.ece


Saravana Kumar
Greencurrent Solar Energy Systems

Hi Saravana,
Thanks for pointing out this insight. Casuarina tree is a well known windbreaker tree. in fact in Kannada it is known as ‘Gaali mara’ meaning wind tree. it is usually planted in windy areas such as beaches and barren land to prevent soil erosion and break wind.

Further, the tree’s root nodules are known to fix nitrogen, and it is traditionally known for its ability to increase the soil’s fertility. Its abundant leaf-fall is high in nitrogen and traditionally prized for mulch.

Hi Levine,

Sounds great. Also can you share the common problems faced in maintaining and cultivating such trees? I mean are these prone to disease which might probably affect other plantations etc?

Also, any idea where these saplings are available? I am thinking of a concept where we plant these saplings near to our solar installations in high wind areas to achieve natural wind shield, do you have any pictures? I want to know if these trees will be high and tall or will it create big shades etc.Just a thought, need to feasibility study to understand better use in application.

Thanks again.


Saravana Kumar
Greencurrent Solar Energy Systems