Best crop for black soil

I have 2 acre farm in Gujarat. Black hard soil, in monsoon water get logged. Which crop can I grow for better yield and better for to improve soil health ?
We are already growing sugarcane, wheat, rice in land but if there’s any better option available then please let me know.

Along with that I want to improve soil health and want to improve porosity of black soil, can anyone suggest me !

Thank you

I am a Madrasi residing in the USA. I am farmer in Minnesota and in Nicaragua. What we do in Minnesota is tile the soil (put 6"-8" drainage plastic tubes) and remove the excess water
while plants are growing. It costs some initial investment but the payoff is worth the investment.


Dr. Bhagyam

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Any pics will be great please.

watch more carefully from 3:50 … notice the black tubes the person is attaching to the digger. These tubes have holes and are buried. When it rains hard, water drains into the tubes and is removed away from the crops allowing the crops to grow without getting submerged or flooded.

Because your farm is smaller, you can hire people in India and dig it with a hand spade and shovel. In the USA, most farms are 150 acres or bigger and have mechanized plowing.

Good luck. if you have more questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Dr. Bhagyam


Pretty good.
Let me explore this suggestion in details.
Thank you.


Pl elaborate. I am also from Madras and an organic farmer


Hi Subramanian:

Soils can be classified as black or red or ??? . But the most important classification compares the amount of clay, sand, silt and humus the soil has. In my farm in Minnesota, USA, I have black soil. It is highly productive soil. We grow corn (Cholam) and soybeans. Our growing season is very limited (6 months or less a year) because of snow and low temperatures. If it clay soil and you expect heavy rainfall, you will have to try and tile (6" plastic tubing with holes) and drain the water away from the crops. If you have sandy soil, water stagnation will never be an issue as water will easily drain. The best soil for good production is sandy silt loam in areas with high rainfall and clay loam in areas with low to medium rainfall … in my opinion.

Classification of soil in Minnesota: sand, loamy sand, sandy loam, loam, silt loam, silt, sandy clay loam, clay loam, silty clay loam, sandy clay, silty clay, and clay

On the other hand, In my farm in Nicaragua, it is volcanic soil and very very rich and highly productive where I can grow crops for 12 months of the year. It is loam soil. We grow red beans (mochai Kottai) rice, corn … permanent crops are oranges, lemon, avocado, pineapple, coconuts, papaya, coffee, guava, sapota to name a few.

Write to me if you have any questions… I am a veterinarian and I also work with cattle, chicken, goats and pigs.


Dr. Bhagyam

Mr Bhagyam


Mine is a clayey soil where we grow Paddy and sugarcane.
Recent heavy downpour led to overflow from lake checkdam to the canal. Excess water from canal flooded my paddy land. Water was flowing like a river

I am seeking a solution once flow stops and there is stagnant water

I need to ask you a question about sugarcane. I am hoping to grow sugarcane in Nicaragua.

How many acres do you have in sugarcane? Is it profitable? How about disease issues with cane? Do you follow pit planting or row planting?

I am hoping to plant about 8 acres in sugarcane and make Vellam.



I have done Row Planting only
In the past done upto 8 Acres but followed Chemical Farming Techniques.Cd never exceed 40T/acre --Many times it was less due to various issues

Pit planting, wanted to do but not done

In India, you get almost Rs 3000/ton of Sugar cane,Incldg States contribution.
Harvesting cost goes to almost 1300-1400Rs per tonne
If yield is less you do not make much–If ratooning is for more than 3 Years with good yield, you may make money

Currently I am doing only 2 Acres–Organically–For Vellam–Keeping my fingers crossed–Rain, flooding, leading to delayed Deweeding–Too many Issues

Is there any specific crop which works better in black soil ?
Other than Sugarcane and Cotton.


Where I am from (USA) in Minnesota, we have very rich black soil in most counties (districts). We raise corn (maize) and soybeans; and this is because of the limitation of weather.

We plant 105-125 day maturing corn. We plant just around the 15th of May (snow and freezing temperatures till then) and the crop is done maturing by the middle to end of September. At this point we check the corn for moisture content and if not dry enough we let it dry out still standing in the fields. In the USA, because each farmer produces on 100’s of acres, the bulk buyer will not buy if the moisture level is too high, as it can lead to fungus formation and rot in the containers where it is stored until sold.

I can write more about the topic. But in the Mid-West states (USA) we only plant corn, soy beans, wheat (for poor soil), sunflower, and once in a while some millets/sorghum.

