Agriculture land of 3 to 4 Acres required for Pomogranate farming on lease basis around Bangalore

Hi all,

Required agriculture land for lease 3 to 4 acres suitable for pomegranate or leftover grape yard of 2 acres with stone poles and wire .Devanahalli, Tumkur, Chickballapura side for rent/lease minimum 7 years period with borewell.
Any leads appreciated.


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We have pomogranate plants of 11 acres
We will give for lease
If u want please contact 8886764918 to this number

For any contract farming first criteria to consider is Manpower (locally available farm worker at reasonable wage ). You will get agricultural land with water resource and farm worker ( land owners themselves ) in Jhargram ( West Bengal ) border district of West Bengal and Odisha . Monoculture is not feasible for any horticulture or agriculture crop . Pomegranate plants take 4-5 years to come into fruit bearing stage . Similarly Grapes also takes 3-4 yrs to yield fruiting .Think about a short term annual companion crop to recover overhead expenses to sustain . Are you registered with NHB as farmer or company to apply for long tern loan to start a horticulture project ? It would help you to reduce finacial burden .

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