Advice on type of arecanut

Hello - I finance professional who entered agriculture couple of years back by buying an existing farm.

We want to put arecanut on our farm. The farm is located in Karkala soil is red laterite. We already have “ Mohith Nagar “ on our farm and while the yield is good the height is a problem due labour problems in the area. Want to now put some variety of arecanut that has good yield but doesn’t grow very very tall. So that with long sticks and attachments we can manage ourselves.

I spoke to some farmers and understand in very dwarf varieties the yield is not good. I was thinking on “Inter Mangala “. The trees don’t grow as tall as Mohitnagar but yield is good I have heard.

Anyone can guide me please? Or if you have any suggestions I would be very grateful.

Thanks :pray:t2:

coconut fall when they are ripe. why do you need labour for ?

@ujwal i want to plant arecanut labor is needed to spay chemical after first rain to prevent arecanut dropping and to pluck arecanut that doesn’t drop off so tall tree is a challenge as you need labor capable of climbing