Trunk Borer in Lychee trees! need remedies (images attached)


I have noticed problem of trunk borer in the Lychee trees.
Almost off the plants (like 90 in 100), are affected. any permanent solutions?

I have heard injecting kerosene in the hole and sealing with the cotton works, But i have a doubt that wont that damage the tree as we are injecting that in hole and inner portion of the trunk is assessable directly?

Images attached

Preventive method:
Paint trunks with Calcium and copper sulphate solution.

Corrective method:

Chemical way: IIHR has developed a pwder “healer cum sealer”. Make paste of thispwder . Stuff this paste inside hole. You can make thinner solution and paint on trunks.

Organic way: Make a paste of Desi cowdung+Oiled neem cake+maida(sticky agent makes the paste to stay longer). (mixing bio cultures of metarizum,bacterium Turengisis, gives best result) Fill this paste inside the holes.

I tried finding local vendors, But no one was aware of the product.

I also visited the Website and was not able to find the product! can you help me further by providing any info regarding the product availability.

for first treatment… can i use kerosene? In my town(or anywhere near 500km) I dont have any bio-cultures. What can i do as firsthand treatment?


You can contact IIHR Bangalore. They will send you. Healer cum sealer. Check below link for more info … stem-borer