Tree planting on private lands

Dear Friends,

If you were given 3-5 acres of land, what sort of trees would you plant on this piece of land?

Tree species:

  1. Fruits and nuts
  2. Round wood species and plywood
  3. Non-timber forest products and oil seeds
  4. Paper and pulpwood
  5. Forage and fuel wood

Some of the popular choices seem to be eucalyptus, mango, teak, custard apple, jajube/ber, tamarind, red sandalwood, guava, pomegranate, jamun, drumstick, neem, jackfruit, portia, coconut, sweet lime, cashew, bamboo, Indian gooseberry etc.

The reason for starting this thread is providing a reference to all the enthusiasts desirous of starting farming, who would get a broad overview of what type of trees to plant, as well as how to go about it by visiting this thread.

Please give your reason(s) as to why you would want to pick some types of trees over the others and/or the choice of trees selected for mixed plantations e.g. quality of land, suitability of climate, growth rate, gestation period, easy marketability, higher returns, taking the entire life cycle and then converting into annual returns, trees for beautification etc.

Also please mention how you intend going about it i.e. where you intend purchasing the saplings from (thus new members on this forum would get an idea of the addresses of the various nurseries in different states of India), what sort of spacing would you give between two trees, how you intend caring for the trees in the first few months/year(s), what types of pesticides you intend using or avoiding etc.

Please also try to mention your state of residence, if possible (so the new members know what sort of trees may be best suited in a particular state).

I now throw open this thread to the forum members.

you can try 5 tier or layer planting. Many people have already done it. Originally designed by Sri Subhash Palekar
see below links for examples
See Bannur krishnappa Model Coconut,Areca nut, Coffee, Vanilla, Black pepper

You can decide this combination with any horticulture expert. The major thing you must pay attention is the canopy of the tree and the root zone. Both must not intersect.

The plants must be selcted depending on soild and the climate of your region.
This is layout design of 1gunta and you can make array of as many as you like.

Dea Sri,

Thank you for your reply.

I am sorry to hear you misunderstood the purpose of this thread.

My post was not a query or about consulting a horticulture expert (if this be the case, everyone can do so i.e. consult a horticulture expert…btw, then what is the use of even this forum?), but this thread is meant for various members to discuss and exchange their individual ideas (the concept of “brainstorming”) of how they envision their farm to be vis-a-vis planting trees…so this thread could serve as a platform for various members to discuss that, given the choice, how would they go about implementing their vision of planting various types of trees on a 3-5 acre farm. Thus, there cannot be just one type of configuration or way of going about it.


It is important to study the canopy and root zones of each plant when you go for 5 layer plantation. Please read Panchataragini style suggested by Sri.Palekar.

If you are going for intercroping with low density you dont have to worry much.

I have monorop now. I am delaying my project of 5 layer plantation to study canopy and root zone of plants which I want. I dont want to wast 5 years to find my combination is wrong.

Because to my region it is suggested Coconut,areca,venilla or coffee pepper, Ginger or Turmeric. I am not interested in any of these.

I will make sure to post any of my finding without fail.


we see lot of small hills which are barren esp: in our town in k’taka, can these be planted. Right now there are small shrubs and little grass but, is it possible to create a thick plantations on these. also, what kind of tress need to be planted where not much care is needed.

we have an idea of putting up a wind mill (in talk with local authorities) which can at least supply electricity to some villages surrounding.

Also, need to educate farmers or land owners the importance of plantations and their benefits in longer run.


Dear m.rajesh,

Its a good idea to plant trees. Alternatively, you can dig a small pond wherein water can be saved and this will attract different birds and they will also drop their excreta which will contain seeds of different plants. By this natural method, you can grow the entire area.

Padmanabhan Ganesan

Dear Rajesh,

Nice initiative, good to develop greenery. Here are few links that might be useful

Please read about Timbaktu in detail. They have achieved wonderful results in Anantpur which has drought climate.

Their blog
Look at the photos on the right and see the transformation. has some success stories of the same achieved in karnataka.
Read this one … ponds-baif

Anna Hazare and fellow villagers did some great stuff with hill plantations and water conservation, look in youtube for some videos on that.

Also, read about cross contour trenching.

Good luck and keep us posted.


Choice of species for planting primarily depends on the objective of management- ecology and evironment protection or commericial. If planning for commercial cultivation what are the target markets.
Siva Sankara Reddy