ODC 3 - Drumstick - Certified standard Seeds for high productivity of pods
What is the minimum seed certification standard for drumstick ( Moringa oleifera ) seed production ?
Physical Purity of seeds -100%
Genetic purity ( true to type ) - 99%
Minimum germination - 70%
Seed production field be isolated 1000 M for breeder seeds and 500 M for certified seeds .9 months after sowing , mature seeds develop.Only those seeds at proximal and middle part of pods ,looking black and brown , show high germination and strong vigor index and in one acre max 100 kgs of quality moringa seeds are produced . Seeds produced with strict certification process only can guarantee higher pods/ fruit yield with earliness of flowering in about 4-5 months after sowing . 50 - 75 kgs of pods per tree in conventional pure crop cultivation to 25 - 40 kgs per tree in mixed crop / intercrop cultivation with 300-600 pods in a tree each weighing around 150 grams in an average is possible only by sowing quality ODC 3 Moringa seeds . Inspite of 100s of varieties exist within the species of moringa oleifera , ODC 3 is the crown jewel and queen of drumstick in the entire world.
Courtesy : Extensive research on ODC 3 moringa through many trial across India and overseas countries down by Chaithanya Gandhi M/s sheti Udyog ,Farmer Producer company ,Karmala Tehsil , Solapur ,Maharastra ,75886 10001 ,8275156393
A 24 year old MBA graduate at white field in Bangalore has taken a bold decision to pursue business of producing and selling organic moringa leaves to the residents of Bangalore city .He initiated organic moringa farming in over 5 acres and started selling fresh organic moringa leaves @ Rs.15 / kg and confidently says he can make annual income of Rs.1 crore by sale of moringa leaves alone .
Suddenly he encountered an issue that his moringa plants started showing white pustules and yellow mottles on leaves .Since it is organic meant for human consumption ,spray of fungicide is not permitted . In an appreciation of his bold step to work as master instead of working as an employee under someone else , I feel happy to help him solve the issue with his moringa plantation .
Control measures
1.Neem oil can be sprayed or
2.Mix of chopped leaves of neem , vitex nedungo , Adathoda , castor , calotropis , lantana camera etc is fermented in cow urine at 1:1 ratio for 7-10 days and one lit filtrate is mixed in 5 lit Panchagavya and sprayed @ 3 % or
3.Bacillus subtilis biopesticide is mixed in panchagavya and sprayed
4.Wettable sulphur @ 0.2 % is sprayed
5.Nitrogen fertilizer dose is minimised
Yellow mottle on leaf is due to deficiency of molybdenum trace element that usually become unavailable in red soil that is acidic . So lime can be applied to soil to increase soil PH and major nutrients like nitrogen ,phosphorus and potassium needed to be applied in moderate dose .
For others who cultivate moringa in conventional method ,any one of the following fungicides is recommended to control powdery mildew disease in moringa
- Chlorothalonil ( kavach ) a protective fungicide or
2.Propiconozole + Thiaphanate methyl or
3 . Mancozeb
A continous moderate water stress from a month before due date of flowering in perennial moringa like ODC 3 is an essential precondition for the initiation of profuse flowering . Level of phytohormone in moringa is altered and cytokinin derivative is responsible for initiation of floral primordia and the new shoots developing in the leaf axils are converted into flowers . In case of continuous application of irrigation and excess soil moisture around the root zone , the new shoots emerging in the leaf axils will be continuing to be vegetative and Moringa will just produce foliage only .
Foliar spray of 2 % moringa leaf extract mixed together with panchagavya solution proved to be effective in inducing more flowering , fruit set , fruit length ,girth ,weight and good taste ,flavor and aroma of drumstick pods harvested in ODC 3 .
An innovative idea to reach all kitchen garden across India . The UP govt is promoting planting of global super food Moringa in each house hold . In sixties the Cuban president Fidel Castro planted indigenous variety of perennial moringa collected from the so called location in the westernghat region of Tamilnadu where this ODC ,3 moringa is believed to have grown ,in his backyard and every household in Cuba is now growing moringa . Highly nutritious , tasty , palatable and perennial ODC 3 moringa can be grown by everybody and eaten year round .
If a household sow this ODC 3 moringa in its backyard ,it can grow and yield drumstick pods continuously for nearly half century .
With nutraceutical , pharmaceutical and therapeutic value ODC 3 moringa as kitchen garden tree is a highly welcome move and innovative idea mooted by Mr Chaithanya Gandhi of Sheti Udyog farmers producers company , karmala Tehsil , Solapur district in Maharashtra state of India .
Indigenous to oddanchathiram ( ODC ) this ODC perennial moringa variety has been successfully performing through third generation ,with yielding potential far higher than any other moringa hybrid and varieties .Thanks to Mr.Chaithanya Gandhi of Sheti Udyog farmer producer company , Sholapur ,MH for his intensive efforts in introducing this amazing ODC 3 moringa extensively into almost all states of India and many overseas countries in tropical and subtropical climatic region and his elaborate study and documentation of growth and yield in more than 10,000 farmers field so far .
The field image of ODC 3 moringa shown here belongs to Hemant wadiwala in Surat ,Gujarat and stands testimony to its greater adoptability to diverse environment and ecological conditions, having different soil and weather and climate. In Gujarat ,ODC 3 moringa is being grown in over large extent both for pods as well as leaf biomass and fresh drumstick pods and processed dry moringa leaf powder are being exported in huge volume to foreign market .
Image courtesy : Mr.Chaithanya Gandhi , Sholapur of Sheti Udyog farmers producer company ltd , Sholapur 75886 10001 , 8275157393