Anyone heard this tool for mango picking?

Hello, group member. We have mango plantation near punjab haryana boarder. Mango piking is very expensiv for us as labor shortage. My friend saw this tool at hyderabad

he say the product is good. Want to know your opinion on this? anyone using this tool?

Hi Akashmuni,

Is there any specific requirement for Camera Mounted, Powered Cutter? What I see here is simple bag attached in front with knife.

The technology is clear, but looks expensive to operate. A skilled farmer can make these kind of tools, but do we really need for mango. And if required, I suggest to mounting over Power Tiller or any Tractor so that the operator need not required to handle the weight for full day.


This is only traditional mango and Guava picking hand made tools we used to pic mango and guava, but this tools is without camera. We used to build it by taking a long light weight bamboo and a bag of plastic or aluminum type, placing on head of Bamboo.

Please see the image it is juts like that which we are using.

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